WaZzZa!! WhaTz CrAcKiN!! LoLz ok im just starting to learn html and how this hole thing workz so please dont yell at me if im not updating fast and this shit is worth nothing! But hey guess what? I'm havin fun doin this!! Im tryin mah best to please y'all but ITZ HARD LoLz! I've already made a site befo' but it waz on geocitiez way easier trust me but im tryin this out cuz it seemz kool. Ok your gonna say when is she gonna finish typin this shit? Well I am soon juss be patient lol! Ok So welcome to mah crib hope ya like ENJOY!
GaNsTaBaBie -xox- muah
SoMe Stuff Bout ME! =o)
- Name: Chloe Ouellette
- Age: 12 soon 13! =oD
- Nicknames: Chlo, Gangsta Babie,50 cent LoVeR
- Sex: Female (PrOuD oWnEr Of A VaGiNa! =oD)
- Birthday: July 9th (its coming soon enough!)
- Height: 5''6 ... last time i measured mahself that is
- Weight: 103lbs (not to mahself: get off ur lazy azz n work out lol)
- Eye Color: Green (I want purple contacts hehe!)
- Hair Color: Red with blonde highlights
- HomeTown: Canada,Quebec,Sorel
- Peircings: None but getting my nose and tongue for my bday!
- Love: Quote: Love is pain.... Im not to sure who I love right now =o(
- Fav Shows: Charmed(so kool), Streetsmarts,Elimadate(it makes me laugh) and That 70's show
- Fav Colors: Blue,Red,Pink,Purple (dependz on how I feel)
- Fav Beer: Smirnoff ice yummy! or any fruit beer
- Email: (I have msn add me =o) )
- Yahoo: My a.d is LiLhOnEyC (i might change it tho)
- Best gurl friend: Dom shes so kool ... but im gettin along soo much with Mel these days
- Best guy friend: P.M ya I have to admit I tell him everything
- Fav season: Summer I love tha beach! But I hate tha bugz!
- Boys or gurls?: I LOVE BOYS but my gurls always come first!
- Best Net friend: CAILA! yes I love you!! LoLz
- Fav Music: Rap and hip hop (Caila&Corey Punk... SUCKZ! LoLz love you both newayz)
- All Time hottie: 50 CENT! OMG im so obsessed over him!! I mean hes tha best! couldnt live without his music! gots loads of posters of him! (vin diesel standz ryte behind him LoLz)
Some Stuff
Shout outs!! (Yells lmao wtf)
My diary
Winners of tha week
Ya Know your ghetto when....
Top 10 lists