

Started by Slim in 2004. Slim is a 22 year old male out of Atlanta, Ga. Born November 1st 1981 and raised on the Eastside of Atlanta he saw a lot of things growing up as a child, he learned the ways of the streets in order to make it. Everything Slim talks about in his songs, he has either done it or seen it done before. He never felt like rapping was for him until he started rapping in the front of family and friends, they were the one's that told him he should try it and see where it takes him. So he started letting other people listen to his music, some out there liked what they heard, and other's didn't but it pushed him to try harder everytime a negative comment was made. The only person that Slim could go to and talk about things was his Mother, passed away on August 15 2003. Slim felt like he had lost everything and started writting more to pursue this rap GAME.
