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..:: EcKo ::..
:: Disclaimer :: his Roleplay Is Made By Me: AIM Here, Email: Email Here. Please Do Not Use Me In Your Roleplay With Out Permission. Please Do Not Steal, Take, Or Anything From This Layout/Roleplay. Or You Will Be Charged *lol* I Am No Way Shape Or Form Affiliated With The Fallowing: Text Here, Nor Do I Know The Person: Text Here. The Layout I Am Using Is Made By: AIM: PepsiChick079, Email: Kristy Welter. I Give All Credit To Her, For Making This Layout. And I Thank Her For Letting Me Use It. If Youd Like To Contact Her You May. Here's The Link To More Of Her Layouts: Roleplay Layouts. :: End Disclaimer ::

[[The scene opens up to the interviewing set in the backstage area of the arena. Standing in front of the set is James Vickers, and none other than one of the “under-dogs” in the Quadruple-Threat Ladder Match… EcKo. James Vickers, realizing that VWF is on air, after returning from a commercial break advertising VWF’s Blood Lust, begins speaking.]]

James Vickers
“EcKo, we’re only twenty-four hours away from Blood Lust, live on pay-per-view. We will be at none other than the grandest arena in the United States, Madison Square Garden. An arena which has seen many champions crowned, and tragic losses. Hopefully, for your sake, tomorrow night, you will be walking out a champion. Any comments concerning your match tomorrow night?”

“Well, tomorrow night, I’ll be walking into Madison Square Garden with my game-face on, James. Losing is not an option for me. If I don’t walk out of that match with both titles, I can guarantee that I’ll be walking out with at least one. So, I hope the present champ is ready to say, “adios” to one of his titles.”

James Vickers
“Speaking of the champ, EcKo… earlier on in the afternoon, Smart-@$$ made a few comments regarding you, yourself, your style, and… the way you dress.”

“Oh yeah… and then ending in him makin’ a total dip-sh*t outta’ himself by doing some little dance tricks he learned from an N*SYNC dance-step video? Yeah… I caught that one! The one where he thinks, for some odd reason, that he’s just totally above me. And the world revolves around me, huh? Yeah… Jumanji this, b*tch!” *EcKo grabs his nuts* “You know what, Smart-@$$? I’m startin’ to think we should change that little “smart” part of your name, to “Jack.” Because, honestly, that fits you perfectly. You know what…? Go ahead and convince yourself that you’re better than me. Convince yourself that you’re gonna’ be walking out of Blood Lust with even one of those titles draped across one of your shoulders! ‘Cuz, I got a little news-flash for ya!... Blood Lust will be like your sex life… your ass is gonna’ go down! GANGSTA!”

James Vickers
“Those were some pretty strong words for Smart-@$$. But, you need to keep in mind, EcKo… that you won’t only be facing this “Hall of Famer”… you’ll also be taking on a veteran to the VWF, Suicide.”

“Oh yeah… now this guy should seriously take his quote… and be the first volunteer, and “COMMIT SUICIDE.” How this dude has held so many titles in this federation… I’ll never know! I just hope he’s not getting his hopes up on winning another title tomorrow night. ‘Cuz sorry, Suicide ‘Ol Boy! It aint happenin’! It’s time for the, quote, “newbies” to show you how it’s done! Sh*t… you say newbies like it’s somewhat of an insult. Wow… you’ve been in this federation a hell of a lot longer than me! Yank-f*ckin’-yank! You know what? You might as well take that little “newbie” line, and shove it up your ass! Because, this time, the under-dogs will be on top! If you don’t like it, then… COMMIT SUICIDE!”

James Vickers
“There’s one other man in this match that you have yet to mention, besides Iman Sain that is. But it’s not about Iman… it’s about Seven. You two seem to have a pretty good hatred going on for each other right about now. I was wondering, did you catch his offer he threw at you?”

“Yeah, I caught it. But, I tend to go by a little thing called, “Don’t Trust Anybody!” And in this case, I might be able to bend my rules I abide by, just a little bit. So, Seven… I’m taking you up on your offer! But, I swear… the moment you even attempt to screw me out of half of the victory… I will not stop until you’re either clinically brain-dead, or until I take your role, and end YOUR career! But, on a lighter note… you did have some actual theory backing up your offer. We are the under-dogs in this match. The odds are stacked-up against us! And come hell, or high water, by the end of the night, we will prove that the under-dogs are a force to be reckoned with!”

James Vickers
“Well, EcKo… good luck tomorrow night in your match! Is there anything you’d like to add before I bring this interview to an end?”

[[EcKo nods once, and grabs the microphone away from James.]]

“Yeah, James… there is somethin’ I’d like to add! Yo, Jack-@$$, I mean… Smart-@$$ walks around here thinkin’ he’s bad. ‘Cuz he has a pet rhino, a pet panda, yo… this dude is sad! Yo, just like a tree grows taller and taller… Smart-@$$ has two titles… to comprehend for somethin’ much smaller! Oh well!... He’s gonna’ lose ‘em, whether he likes it or not! It’ll be like his act… old, and totally shot! Now, what can I say about my boy, Suicide? He doesn’t know what gender he belongs to… can you help him decide? Thinkin’ that stealin’ one of my Rolexes will get me pissed? Yo… you weren’t in my locker-room… hell… you weren’t even on the list! So, whose ever watch it was… I feel sorry for the chump! And yo… I found you some more clothes! They’re at the local dump! And Seven… still with them clowns, some things never change! But in VWF’s history… we’re gonna’ write another page! We’re gonna’ show the veterans how the “under-dogs” do! The only one walkin’ out with titles will be either me, or you! So, for all of you veterans to the VWF, hate it or love it… the “under-dog’s” on top! And I’m gonna’ shine, homie, until my heart stops! Go ahead, envy me! I’m the “under-dog” MVP! And I aint goin’ no where… so, you better get ta’ know me! A-HAAA!”

[[EcKo drops the microphone, and walks out of frame. The camera focuses on a confused James Vickers as the scene fades to black. VWF takes a short commercial break.]]

Hate It, or Love It… The Under-dog’s on Top! - ((Blood Lust R.P. #3))

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