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..:: EcKo ::..
:: Disclaimer :: his Roleplay Is Made By Me: AIM Here, Email: Email Here. Please Do Not Use Me In Your Roleplay With Out Permission. Please Do Not Steal, Take, Or Anything From This Layout/Roleplay. Or You Will Be Charged *lol* I Am No Way Shape Or Form Affiliated With The Fallowing: Text Here, Nor Do I Know The Person: Text Here. The Layout I Am Using Is Made By: AIM: PepsiChick079, Email: Kristy Welter. I Give All Credit To Her, For Making This Layout. And I Thank Her For Letting Me Use It. If Youd Like To Contact Her You May. Here's The Link To More Of Her Layouts: Roleplay Layouts. :: End Disclaimer ::
Malcolm Price

((The scene opens up to Josh Matthews standing in front of a locker-room door. Noticing he’s on the air, he suddenly begins speaking.))

Josh Matthews
“Good evening, fans! I’m standing in front the “Pain Gang” locker-room, hoping to get a word from either EcKo or Malcolm Price.”

((Josh knocks on the door… no reply. Josh knocks on the door again… no reply. He tries once more. In mid-knock, he is interrupted by the man himself, EcKo.))

“Yo!... What’s up?! I haven’t even made it to my locker-room, and I’m bombarded by another random interviewer.”

Josh Matthews
“I’m sorry, EcKo, but this will only take a few seconds…”

“Yo, dawg… I was only jokin’ with you! Take all the time in the world. Well… not all the time in the world. Heh… you know what I mean!”

Josh Matthews
“Yes, sir. First off, this coming Sunday at the MWF’s pay-per view, Blood Oath, you will be in a six-man tag match, you teaming with the other half of the Pain Gang, Malcolm Price. And you two will be taking on Jimmy Dowd with Brian Well, and Jason Gray with Brock Nemesis. How have you and Malcolm prepared for this match?”

“First off, what’s with this ‘sir’ sh*t? Heh! Heh! Chill out, dude… I’m still the same ‘ole EcKo! Aight? And to answer your question, “Money” and myself are still preparing for our Tag-Title match. But, yo… you aint gotta’ worry about a thing! When the night’s over ‘n done… “Money” and ya’ boy, EcKo, here will be declared the winners, and the new MWF Tag-Team Champions of the world! Now, if you would excuse me, dawg, I need to get in my locker-room, so I can get ready to address the rest of the Pain Gang… the fans!”

((EcKo turns towards the door, and enters his locker-room. The cameras focus back on Josh.))

Josh Matthews
“Well, fans… looks like you’ll be hearing from EcKo again soon. After the break, that is!”

((The scene fades to black as the MWF takes a short commercial break.))


((MWF comes back on the air to the deafening cheers of the fans. Without wasting any time, EcKo’s music, “You Don’t Know Me” by T.I., blasts throughout the arena. The crowd comes to their feet as EcKo makes his way out from behind the black curtains. He carries a microphone in his left hand, ready to speak. EcKo stops at the top of the ramp. Instead of cutting his promo in the ring, he decides to cut it on top of the ramp. His music fades out, as well as the fans, in order for EcKo to speak. EcKo begins smiling as he brings the microphone to his mouth.))

“Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! YO!!! EcKo’s in the hiz-ooouse! Now, as y’all know by now, the Pain Gang has a shot at the MWF World Tag-Titles this Sunday at MWF’s pay-per view, ‘Blood Oath’. We’re takin’ on those back-stabbin’ punks, Jason Gray and Brock Nemesis. We’ll also be takin’ on these two wanna-be wrestlers that comprise one of the most un-successful groups, ‘Team 5150…69…420…triple zero…” or whatever they call themselves! If they think they gon’ win that match this Sunday, then they’re obviously dumber than they look! Because if you were listenin’ to one of those chumps from the group… he actually thinks that I’m some new jobber! Yo… I don’t know where this punk’s gettin’ his facts from… but they aint right! I’ve been in this business of professional wrestling for about two years now! I’ve highlighted many pay-per views, I’m a former Heavyweight Champ! And that’s just a little history lesson for ya’ there, BOY! So, before you go flappin’ off wit’ them jaws of yours… think before you speak! ‘Cuz, son… YOU DON’T KNOW ME!

((Fans cheer.))

“Now… Gray and Nemesis!” *fans boo* “Tell me somethin’… do you two chumps think you’ll be able to wrestle in this match without your little bitch, Eric Bischoff, by your side? Don’t count on Bischoff being by your side Sunday night. ‘Cuz after Vengeance is through with him… he’ll be too injured to even attempt at kissin' y’alls’ ass! Ya’ know… I don’t think you two could accomplish anything, if it wasn’t for Eric or Stacy! But, ya’ know somethin’…? You two don’t even pose as a threat to me! Hell! “Team 123”, or whatever, are seeming to be more of a challenge than you two chumps! “Pain Gang” has faced you chumps once, and successfully defeated you! That’s why I am 100 percent sure that the “Pain Gang” will be walkin’ out that night with the Tag-Team gold around our waists. So, to either one of you chumps that the “Pain Gang” will be defeating this Sunday… this is your cue to come out here to try to let us all know why y’all are gonna’ win! But, before you try insultin’ me… think twice! ‘Cuz YOU DON’T KNOW ME!

((EcKo drops the microphone on the ramp as his music blasts throughout the arena again. The fans cheer as EcKo walks back and forth, taunting. The scene fades to black as EcKo disappears behind the black curtains. MWF takes yet another commercial break.))


((The scene re-opens to EcKo walking in the backstage area of the arena. He makes his way around a corner as he walks towards the “Pain Gang” locker-room. He walks through the door, greeted by the other half of the “Pain Gang”, Malcolm Price.))

Malcolm Price
“Yo, dawg! Props on that promo, man! Sorry I’m late!”

“Don’t worry, man! You’ve got enough on your mind, what with your Intercontinental Title match… AND the Tag-Team Title match, to worry about anything else!”

Malcolm Price
“Speaking of the tag-match… after I win the Intercontinental Title, I hope you’re ready to become one half of the MWF Tag-Team Titles! ‘Cuz that’s what’s gonna’ happen!”

“No doubt about that, “Money”!... No doubt!...”

((The scene fades to black as EcKo and Malcolm continue talking strategy about their big match this coming Sunday at ‘Blood Oath’…))

You Don't Know Me! - ((Blood Oath R.P. #1))