Wass up raza, well i dont think u really want to know shit about me pero fuck it im bored so i might as well tell you boutz me. Pues lets see i live in the sgv the big 626 u know its up in the mix foo so dont hate just basterbate lol spenca i got a lil carried away right there. Pues to me my life and aint worth shit. Love doesnt exist for me. I've been heartbroken enough times i know that love is pain pero i dont want pain. The one vato I truly loved used me and left me. But thats all right because Karmas a bitch and he's going to get used and hurt to so fuck him. All i gotta say is trust no-one especially stupid lil two-faced bitches that have nothing better to do than talk shit behind your back because they dont have the motherfuken balls to say it in your face and that try to act like someone they're not and never will be. Simon i know plenty of those type of bitches and i dont need to no more. if you have any questions or non hating comments hit me up my e-mail is Krazymexicana626@aol.com pues thats all i gotta say for now so alratos
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