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17 ways to tell ur a beaner

1. if u've ever been hit by the chancla

2. if u grew up scared of something called el cucuy

3. if others tell u to stop screaming when ur really just talkin

4. if u light a candle on the nite of the lotto drawing

5. if u use ur lips to point out something

6. if u refer to cereal as conflase or postostees

7. if your mother yells at the top of her lungs to come eat dinner even tho u live in a one bedroom apartment

8. if u can dance rancheras, salsas or cumbia without the music.

9. if u use manteca instead of olive oil and cant figure out why your butt is getting bigger

10. if u call ur sneaker tenees

11. if you have atlest 30 cousins

12. if you cant imagine someone not liking spicy food

13. if you are in a 5 passanger car with 7 people in it and someone yelling: subanse todavia caben

14. you mom packs ur lonchera for skool

15. if u or someone u know uses 3 flores

16. tamales, champurrado,ham, and turkey are a must during thanksgiving

17. theres more beer than punch at lil angels party

How to know ur at a mexican wedding

Theres no invitations only maps

family orders the invitations 3 months in advance and send em the day before the wedding then call you and say " no entiendo porque no te a llegado"

an average of 12 people attend per invitation

no one goes to the church for the wedding, but everyone goes to the reception.

all the centerpieces are gone...and the reception has just started.

everyones kids are running around like crazy and all u wanna do is throw a bottle at them.

the men dress pachoco style...and the bride's maids dress in pink

la comida has rice and beans

people are taking food plates home "para manana"

people are takin huge pieces of cake home... and telling others "ahi ay mas"

one of the relatives is drunk and hugging everyone telling them... "te quiero mucho"

the dollar dance lasts over an hour with the same tune and thats only with relatives

there are 7 bridesmades

everyone wants to be a "madrina" for you wedding

the cake was made by "la senora de los pasteles" instead of the bakery

you have to clean up the ballroom before you leave

the wedding ends at midnight at el salon but ends at 6:00am at the brides house

the main course is either pollo con mole or birria

For the Surenos/Surenas

Ganster Cheer

Party Hardy, Heart and soul,Drink a fifth, Smoke a bowl,We are gangsters we got class, mess with us well kick ur ass, so all u preps u think ur cool go to hell cuzz gansters rule

Pride After Death

If I die show no pitty, Bury me deep in Gansta City, With a blue rag across my chest and tell my vatos i did my best.

Hush Lil Baby

hUSh LiL bAbY dOnT yOu cRy, mAmAz gOnNa gEt yOu sO dAmN HiGh, iF tHaT HiGh sTaRtS tO wEaR LoW, mAmAz gOnNa gEt yOu a fUcKiN bOwL, iF tHaT PiNcHe bOwL iSnT vErY pAcKeD, mAmAz gOnNa gEt yOu a LiNe oF cRaCk, iF tHaT LiNe oF cRaCk iS fReE, mAmAz gOnNa gEt yOu sOmE LSD, iF tHoSe tRaILs aRe oVeRbEaRiN, mAmAz gOnNa gEt yOu a 20 oF hEriOn, iF yOu sTaRt tO sMeLL LiKe rOtTeN mEaT, mAmAz gOnNa gEt yOu a 8 oF tWeEk, iF yOu rUn oUt oF fOiL fOr tHaT dOpE, mAmAz gOnNa gEt yOU sOmE cOLuMbiAn cOkE, iF yOu gEt sCaReD cUz yOuR nOsE sTaRtS tO bLeEd, mAmAz gOnNa gEt yOu sOmE eXtAcY, iF yOu bRaiN cELLs gEt aLL fUcKeD uP, mAmA gOnNa sAy yOuR sHiT oUt oF LuCk!!!!!

Plegde of Alligence

I plegde alligence to the motherfuckin BLUE rag of the united SURENOS nation and to the Southside for which it stands 1 nation under 13 with hate for CHAPETEZ click click bang bang puro SOUTH S1D3 gang!!!

Sureno Shit

let it rain let it thunder bust a norteno 14 feet under 13 up 14 will die drag the red flag let da blue fly high surenos dont die we multiply

Preciouz World

