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Why all these damn 7's. When 2Pac & the co-star ask about sandwiches, the cook points up to the menu. Pac & the guy gaze at the board. (They look at it weird if you ask me) Then the camera goes to the menu (they actually highlight the menu as if it symbolizes something) All the L's on the menu are replaced with upside-down 7's. & you can tell that they are 7's(check it out for yourself) Then after seeing the picture of Pac & the guy on TV, the cook looks back & Pac &the guy, disappeared.

Gang Related:

1. In the beginning of the movie, Pac & Belushi wait in Rm. 7.

2. The bum in the movie was missing for 7 years.

3. Tupac's badge number is 115(1+1+5=7) Now in what movie or TV show, do you get to see the badge number, or even get to clearly see the badge period. How come we only see Pac's numbers too. Why not Belushi's. Also the slogan of the movie is, "The Best Place to Hide, Is Behind A Badge." On the soundtrack, they have this slogan & the badge showing.

Props 2
