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Autopsy Picture

This picture is off someone who wanted to show how easy it is to make a autopsy picture. This picture looks real good too. This picture was done by an amateur just Imagine what a professional can do.

Props 2 Model:  A associate.
Special effects:  Deadly Assassin from

2pacs Autopsy


Proof that its fake.

Where is 2pacs new tattoo ??


Things you may not know:


If you ready/study a book called 'Dead Reckoning' it tells you almost everything you need to know. The  autopsy pic for the most part appears real, but as with everything else surrounding Pac's death there are discrepancies.

-No visible rigamortis which starts to set in about 15 minutes after death...which makes muscles tense up and sometimes there appears to be discoloration of the skin. In the pic Pac looks 'relaxed' like nothing is tensed up.

-If you die in the hospital an autopsy is suppose to be performed WITH the tubes, IV etc still attached. Since Pac had the autopsy done at Clark County Coroners Office (about 3/4 of a mile away from UMC, which is the hospital Tupac died in) this is why the tubes may have been taken out.

-In interviews with The Outlawz etc who saw him in the hospital, they said how swollen his head was, and that it was wrapped in the pic, the head is not swollen at all, not one bit. It would have gone down a bit, but they supposedly did the autopsy so soon I see no reason why there is no swelling. You all have mentioned a bump on the head, but it's not the same as the whole head being swollen.

-After an autopsy there are 5-8 pictures of the body taken for identification purposes. The face is always suppose to be seen during these pics. In Pac's, the face is turned away from the camera...a big no-no. It is not illegal to take these pics (as someone said) it is standard procedure.

-In the documents there makes no mention of a removed lung (lungs are removed, weighed and examined during autopsies) The only thing that mentions anything like this is the coroner audio clip (I assume all here have heard) that says Pac died from respiratory failure.

- Not to mention how far the weight is off...the body is placed on a scale that is checked for accuracy daily. Pac's weight was off by what???? ... 50 lbs are something like that? Even an untrained eye would see that it was not accurate. Last week I posted a link that showed a pic of the scale used at Clark County can see that it would be hard to make a mistake like that.

-The Coroners Report looks authentic as can be. The case numbers and those items are in correct sequence when compared to other Coroner Reports from Clark County.

Props 2
