R011in0n24s4Life: u look like u r
TuRnMeON012389: y didn't u show ur face last
TuRnMeON012389: u should at like 1 tonight steve
would like to see IT !
R011in0n24s4Life: cuz i went to bed
TuRnMeON012389: with his Fist
TuRnMeON012389: not much to say
TuRnMeON012389: i would bet 100 dollars on
steve winning
TuRnMeON012389: april would bet 1000
TuRnMeON012389: tahts how sure we are of him
..u don't know anything . he's been in the army
R011in0n24s4Life: id bet a mill.
TuRnMeON012389: yea cuz u know STeve Would
R011in0n24s4Life: actualy id bet ten mill.
id win
TuRnMeON012389: whatever
R011in0n24s4Life: with one hand
TuRnMeON012389: RIgghttt
TuRnMeON012389: steve has more muscles then
you and He is bigger then u older then u and has
more exsperience and he can play basketball
R011in0n24s4Life: so
R011in0n24s4Life: i dun care
TuRnMeON012389: yea well he has a HUGE
TuRnMeON012389: over u
R011in0n24s4Life: not realy
TuRnMeON012389: RIGHT.
R011in0n24s4Life: he can use both hands
and ill only use my right and ill still
kill him
R011in0n24s4Life: 5 sec. and hell be
R011in0n24s4Life: actualy give it 2
TuRnMeON012389: Ok then
TuRnMeON012389: i'lltell u a time and place
R011in0n24s4Life: no cops
TuRnMeON012389: oh no..
TuRnMeON012389: just steve and his EXsperince
and u and ur Scranny self
R011in0n24s4Life: i dun trust ur pussy
TuRnMeON012389: RIght
R011in0n24s4Life: u proly call the cops
TuRnMeON012389: u don't know steve
R011in0n24s4Life: i dun give a shit
TuRnMeON012389: ok ur a fuckin asshole
TuRnMeON012389: BYe byE!
TuRnMeON012389: come to my house one more
time .. there will be cops at ur house
R011in0n24s4Life: all your good for is a
paper wait so u misewell shut up
TuRnMeON012389: FUCK YOU
TuRnMeON012389: BYE BYE!
R011in0n24s4Life: i shoulda called the po
pos las night
TuRnMeON012389: well to bad.... u didn't u
would've been in trouble too you had like 6 ppl in ur
car and ur on restrictions.
TuRnMeON012389: and i couldn't of got in trouble
for anything
TuRnMeON012389: ddin't do anything wrong
TuRnMeON012389: i was at my house my mom
was giving me Drinks.
TuRnMeON012389: they would've done shit
TuRnMeON012389: urthe one who came to my
house when i told you not to
R011in0n24s4Life: so i took em all home
and then id go call the cops dumb
TuRnMeON012389: yea well i would've told thme u
had 6 kids in ur car and Shannon would've said that
steve would've and kevin would have and april
R011in0n24s4Life: i din go to your house
dumb blonde
TuRnMeON012389: yea u did
R011in0n24s4Life: i sat in a fucking
parking lot
R011in0n24s4Life: u got proof ??? ahh no
TuRnMeON012389: hmm that parking lot is
technically our PRoperty and actually our land lords
TuRnMeON012389: shut the FUCk upTYLER
TuRnMeON012389: ur only good for one thing ... A
TuRnMeON012389: thats it
TuRnMeON012389: nothing else
TuRnMeON012389: not a friend not a person
ntohing they all USE you
TuRnMeON012389: and mike even Told me HE
hates you ... he only uses u for a ride
R011in0n24s4Life: yawn
R011in0n24s4Life: u realy r boring me