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Disclaimer: Allen Iverson Answers [xth3answ3rx] is an unofficial non-profit website of Allen Iverson. I am not Allen Iverson nor am I affiliated with him or the Philadelphia 76ers. Please do not email me asking for Iverson's e-mail address, home address or phone number. I am not related to Allen Iverson, his family, his friends, or anything else related to him. I am however a huge fan of Allen Iverson and decided to make this site to show how much I love A.I and to support him. All copyrights and registered trademarks are copyrighted by their respective owners such as ESPN, Sports Illustrated, AP, and other sources that I have used. I assume no responsibilty for losses or personal damages that may occur though the use of this site. Copyright by The Shen, A.I.A 2003 (c) All Rights Reserved. All material on this site is not to be reproduced, reused, or copied without permission from the creator of this site.



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[the C]


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