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TxDrewBarrymore's Pictures of Friends

TxDrewBarrymore's Friends

This is my BEST FRIEND Mandie (in Long Island).She's like a big sister to me. She takes care of me (right Mandie?) Anyways, her website is below. Check her site out..she has a pic with her and Drew Barrymore (which is below)..she met her!! No fair! *POUTS* Love you Mandie!! OH! AND DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT THE MANDIE AND COREY PAGE AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE!!

BuTrFiDiVa's (Mandie's) Page

This is Preston. I consider him a friend even if he says he's not. He's been more of a best friend to me than anyone has in my life because he knows me better than anyone..even better than my own parents. His website is below if you want to check it out!!

Preston's Website

Preston's Profile

These are pictures of my other best friend, LaShawn (aka Shawnie or pooh butt..haha!! Sorry Shawnie! She hates it when I call her Anyway, she'll have to forgive me for putting up pictures of her on the net that aren't recent, but I don't have many other recent ones. The most recent is the one with her hair up with the cowboy boots. Maybe she'll get the clue..hint hint...The first picture is of her and the trecherous x..but it's my fav pic of her, SO I CUT HIM OUT..HAHA!! The second one was taken at a restauraunt, when we were on a double date w/ her same x..CUT HIM OUT AGAIN..HAHA! (terrible memory..don't ask!!). The third picture is of her somewhere..I have no clue where. Don't ask for her number or anything guys!! Her divorce was recently finalized and she already has a WONDERFUL new boyfriend!!

LaShawn's Pictures

These are pictures of one of my friends...who happens to be my brother's x girlfriend, Stephy. Don't let the pictures fool you, she's only 16 guys!!

This picture is of David and he used to be a very close friend of mine. Unfortunatley, I don't see him much anymore..that's what happens after high school..

This is/was (I dunno) my friend, Bryce..I would have pictures up of my best guy friend, Mo..but he doesn't let me take pictures!! Anyway, Bryce is really interesting..can't you tell? The last picture is a baby picture he sent me! Cute huh? You should see those baby blue eyes..they are gorgeous!!

This is my friend, Gary!!

The Mandie and Corey Page!!

The Coffee Shop

Music Lyrics

Lissa's Cursors