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Poetry Corner-I Miss You

I Miss You

Sometimes at night I look above and think of you
I wonder if you ever just lie and think of me too
My soul yearns just to hear your voice
Why can't things be different?
Why does it have to be this way?
How is it that you're so strong
Yet, I'm so very weak
I miss you
I miss your big blue eyes
Your mischevious grin
Your big arms around me like you protected me from the world
I miss you
The best friend I never expected to want
The best boyfriend I ever had
The only true lover in my life
My one and only true love
I miss you
The way you used to kiss me
The way you stood up and said "then" referring to us
The way you smiled at me
The way you made fun of me
The way you'd laugh at me when I started yelling
The way your mouth would drop when I shocked you
I miss you
The way I took care of you when you were sick
The way you returned the favor just the same
The ways you tried so damn hard to keep me happy
I miss the way you loved me
I miss you
I miss your shaved head
I miss the way you called me cuteums, baby and cutiebuns
I miss your hand in mine walking in public
I miss the feeling of being with you, the one I love
I love you, always will
You can cut me off for however long you think it will take
Hurt me as much as you can
I will never stop loving you
I miss you

By Corey Harrell

For Preston-I will always love you.

Lissa's Cursors