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Poetry Corner-Shock


My mouth won't move.
My eyes won't stray.
My heart hurts more,
As I watch this pain.

I don't understand.
I would like to, I would.
I'm just not so sure,
If I really could.

I'm very confused,
At this point in time.
My body won't move.
It feels like slime.

I'm scared for me.
My future, my past.
I just want it to,
Last and last.

I couldn't believe my eyes.
I couldn't believe it at all.
My heart jumped up,
And smashed into the wall.

I wish I never saw it.
I wish it wasn't true.
It was out of my hands.
I had lost you.

By Corey Harrell

For DJ (RIP..we all miss you DJ)

Lissa's Cursors