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Brooke Ivy Spindler
12 Weeks Gestation
October 20th 1995


A tiny life is growing
Inside a cosy place
Her arms and legs are flailing
A smile is on her face.
Her mother feels a tiny kick
Upon her rounded tummy
And waits impatiently for the day
When she becomes a Mummy.
The baby’s smile is fading
But her eyes are open wide
She knows that she’ll be leaving soon
But will never see outside.

There aren’t so many kicks now
In fact there’s none at all
They say that baby’s sleeping
When Mummy gives the doctor a call
Her life is draining quickly
But no-one knows a thing
A tiny smile fleets her face
When she hears her Mother sing.
She knows that she’ll remember her
And the things she heard her say
Peacefully and happily
The baby drifts away.

Mummy knows that something’s wrong
And is at the doctor's before to long
A scan is done and Doctor says
"I’m sorry, baby’s gone".
The grief is overwhelming
The sadness takes its toll
As time goes by and lapses on
Her Mother sheds a tear
And hears these words inside her head
"Mum I’m always here,
I’ll never ever leave you
Although you may not know
I’ll be beside you every day
Through laughter, joy and woe.
You’ll never need to miss me
For I am in your heart
And though we’re in two different worlds
We’ll never be apart.