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Keith Alexander Edwards
July 26th 1991

The poem below has always touched my heart

It was written for Kieth by his mum.

Perfect Even In Death

No one remembers
I cannot say why
Only thing i keep thinking
Is that nobody tried
You were mine , only mine
No one knew you like me
I don’t know why
He couldn’t just let you be
We shared so much
In our short time together
And the time that we shared
Has made memories forever
So much i learned
So much i lost
Everything turned
Tossled and tossed
Butterfly flutters
And then some kicks
Then that sad day
Was my mind playimg tricks
No cry , no movement
Not even a breath
As you lay in my arms
Perfect even in death
When i think of you now
At the age you would be
A beautiful “big boy”
Is the child that i see
My son you were
And my son you’ll always be

By Amy Garner (Lil' Red)