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Dear Mom and Dad, I died today
There were so many things I didn't get to say
I am so sorry, please, do not be mad
I am so sorry for making you so sad
I died today and I didn't tell you this
I love you, Mom. I didn't give you a kiss
I am so sorry for hurting you so bad
I am so sorry, please, forgive me, Dad
I died today and I made you cry
I was called away and I didn't say good-bye
I am so sorry for causing you such pain
I am so sorry, I will never hug you again
I died today and, now, my body has turned cold
I am so sorry but now you need to be bold
I am so sorry for all the things I didn't say
I am so sorry, Mom and Dad, but, I died today


If you see my son
will you send him home
He left without a note
He left without saying good-bye
He left without a kiss on his cheek
If you see my son
will you please send him home
They tell me he's just a memory now
They say he has wings
They say he can't come back
They say God took him home
I say... if you see my son
will you please send him home


I once had a son who now lives with God above,
I never got to know him and I never knew his love,
I once had a son whose heart beat close to mine,
I never knew his beauty for I never got the time,
For my son he was taken before the dawn could break,
He's now sleeping in my heart where his share of love he takes.
When I see my children who walk here by my side,
There's a sweet image of my son mirrored in their eyes,
When I see a rose bud dropped to the ground too soon,
It reminds me of my baby who was gone before he bloomed,
If God should stand before me and grant me one last wish,
I'd wish my baby in my arms to on his head bestow a kiss.
I know I have my children who to me are very dear,
But there's an empty place within my life for which I shed a tear,
So I question God each day as to why he couldn't stay,
Why my son was given to me then silently taken away,
But I know I have to be patient and wait till I go home,
Then within the grounds of God's heavenly home
my son and I will roam.


Our child, our baby,
the precious gift of life.
Was ripped from the arms
of a husband and wife.
The answers are few,
but the questions remain.
Why were the innocent
put through so much pain?
The miracle of life,
the beating of your heart.
Are a few of the memories
gained from the start.
Our children are special
they were chosen for us.
To carry them and nurture,
it was in God we trust.
For tomorrow is unknown,
and our yesterdays so sad.
Our children are forever
between a mom and a dad.


For most moms, Mother's Day is:
appreciating all the little things,
loving all the caring ways
and remembering how special we are.
For me, Mother's Day is:
remembering your first kick,
hearing your heart beat
and watching you move.
Mother's Day is:
delivering a still child,
crying thousands of tears
and having to say good bye.


I carried you so lovingly,
within my gentle womb...
and little did I realize,
your life would end too soon.
I never got the chance to say
"I love you, little one"...
as I held you in my arms,
your life on earth was done.
The grief is indescribable,
to lose a child this way...
all the many hopes and dreams,
just vanished on that day.
I know I'll see the sun shine bright
upon my baby's face...
when I finally get to heaven,
all my pain will be erased.
We'll soar the skies together,
as angels two by two...
we'll have a sweet reunion;
this mother's dream come true.


Our child was born Waving,
Waving hello,
Eyes like an angel,
Innocence glows,
Our Child was born Waving,
Waving to all,
Perfect creation,
Wonderfully formed,
We wanted to love you,
But love was denied,
Our child was born Waving,
Waving goodbye.


How do you love a person
Who never got to be,
Or try again to see a face
You never got to see?
How do you mourn the death of one
Who never got to live,
When there's nothing to feel good about
And nothing to forgive?
I love you, little brother.
You're a person of the wind,
Free to be the memory
Of all that might have been.
I love you, little brother,
My companion of the night,
Wandering through my lonely hours,
Beautiful and bright.
What does it mean to die before
You ever can be born,
To live the lovely night of life
And never see the dawn?
Ah! My little brother,
You lived like anyone!
Life's a burst of joy and pain,
And then, like yours, it's done.
I love you, little brother,
Just as if you'd lived for years.
No more, no less, I think of you,
The angel of my tears.


Allan’s smile we’ll never see
His life with us not meant to be.
His foot won’t walk upon the soil
No prints from hands upon the wall.
His happy laughter we won’t hear
Nor stories that will bring us cheer.
His little teeth will not come
Breaking through his tender gum.
We will not learn of sporting prowess
His talents we can only guess.
Although these things we’ll never know
Our love for him will always show.
For he will stay within our heart
From this place he’ll never part.
God’s need it seems was more than ours
And though we’ll never know the cause.
For him our love will always grow
The little boy we’ll never know.


My beautiful precious child
Torn from me so suddenly along with my heart
My arms ache in their emptiness
My breasts are filled with your milk but you're gone.
Will I ever find solace?
Will the clutches of this agony ever let me breathe?
We shared such intimate space together
always reminding me of the wonder of life
How can it be that suddenly there is nothing but death?
Your face is forever burned in my memory
the bittersweet moment of your birth
Now I must face your empty cot .
How will I pass the days and nights that were meant for you?
I know you're in a better place but in my selfishness,
I can't accept your absence
when your sweet presence
would have made this world a better place