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Child of darkness, you were born,
Light of our lives, Between two worlds torn.
Child of darkness- you have lived,
A world of darkness, you have known,
A world of brightness You have shown.
Child of darkness In sunshine could not play;
The difference not known between night and day.
All around you darkness was there,
All around you are those who care.
Child of darkness... gone through so much,
breaking hearts of those you've touched.
Living in darkness, a boy so bright,
In a world all your own a wonderful sight.
Child of darkness sadness not known,
Of things in this world you couldn't be shown.
Through it all, God looks after you,
a happy child... with a heart so true.
Child of darkness... not knowing why,
a tear rolls down, and we all cry...
The darkness you've known will now become light;
for to God you have gone though it doesn't seem right...
But know you are loved, and in our hearts you're held tight.
Child of darkness... Light of our lives...
Child of darkness... We say our goodbyes...


Hair of blonde and little eyes of blue
Angelic face and beautiful too.
From heaven to earth, from God to us,
He suffered his pain without a fuss,
His little heart was made of steel,
And he fought for his life throughout the ordeal,
An angel was sent to stop all the pain,
And take little Allan to heaven again.
A precious baby boy here on loan,
To create the memories and make a mark of his own.
Now you are gone and waiting above,
The memories of you will be
cherished with love.


A lifetime ago
My world completely shattered,
Since the day he went to Heaven
Now... nothing else matters.
A lifetime ago
Was it only a few short years?
I've aged twenty years at least
I've shed a million tears.
A lifetime ago
The loneliness fills my days,
I miss him more than ever
In so many different ways.
A lifetime ago
How can life be measured?
The memories i have
Are my only earthly treasures.
A lifetime ago My Angel went away,
To live with God in Heaven
Where we'll meet again someday.


Forget me not, for I am there
In the beat of your heart,
On the wing of your prayer.
Forgive me my parting and leaving you thus,
A joyous reunion is waiting for us!
Continue to strive toward your goal and be brave.
Know that my love didn't stop at the grave.
My spirit is with you through good times and bad.
I share all the joys and the sorrows you've had.
Feel my presence within your next breath
And realize there's no distance in death.
Ask for my help and I'll answer your call.
Reach for my hand when you stumble and fall.
Run the last mile with a smile on your face.
My arms will be waiting when you finish the race.
Always remember, my love is right there
In the beat of your heart,
On the wing of your prayer.


Mother, please don't mourn for me;
I'm still here, though you don't see.
I'm right by your side each night and day
and within your heart I long to stay.
My body is gone but I'm always near
I'm everything you feel, see or hear.
My spirit is free, but I'll never depart
as long as you keep me alive in your heart.
I'll never wander out of your sight--
I'm the brightest star on a summer night.
I'll never be beyond your reach--
I'm the warm moist sand when you're at the beach.
I'm the colorful leaves when fall comes around
and the pure white snow that blankets the ground.
I'm the beautiful flowers of which your so fond--
The clear cool water in a quiet pond.
I'm the first bright blossom you'll see in the spring;
The first warm raindrop that April will bring.
I'm the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine,
and you'll see that the face in the moon is mine.
When you start thinking there's no one to love you,
you can talk to me through the Lord above you.
I'll whisper my answer through the leaves on the trees,
and you'll feel my presence in the soft summer breeeze.
I'm the hot salty tears that flow when you weep
and the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep.
I'm the smile you see on a baby's face.
Just look for me, Mommy, I'm everyplace!

IF had been healthy
But i already had my fears,
We might have kept you with us
For many, many years.
If....the doctors seen
Would have found a cure,
You would still be with us
Dearly loved by all, for sure.
If....God would have let me
I'd gladly gone in place of you,
For since you went to Heaven
I feel my life is through.
If....I could push back the hands of time
And live it all again,
I'd love you even more
Than I did back then!


Allan was like no other
He was the very best,
My son, whom I adored
Is now in eternal rest.
He filled my days with happiness
He made life mean so much,
Until he left me lonely
And aching for his touch.
His memory feeds my everythought .
As days turn into years,
And even though he's in my prayers
Each day brings on more tears.
They say that tears are cleansing
I pray that this is true,
For never will I ever stop
Loving and missing you.
To God who watches over all
With love that knows no end,
Please bring comfort to me now
And help my heart to mend.


The touch of an Angel is a beautiful thing
It makes you feel special, it makes your heart sing.
The touch of an Angel is extremely rare
They're so filled with love and know just how to care.
The touch of an Angel is like Heaven on earth
Only God can make Angels ... only He knows their worth.
I was touched by an Angel whom I loved so much
Then he went back to Heaven ... how I long for his touch!
To be touched by my Angel just one time more
To tell him I love him as never before.
But I'm sure Allan knows he has all of my love,
As he watches over me ... from Heaven above.


i know you have had heartache
i know you have had pain
but when you lose someone you love
it does not feel the same
it's a total different feeling
a feeling you've never felt
but it's something you have to deal with
cause that's the way the cards were dealt
there will come a time when you will die
and someone else will feel the pain
it's not your fault, not at all
so don't try to take the blame
you feel you should have been there
to make the wrong things right
you will go through times when all you do
is sit and cry all night
you think it will get better
but my friend you see
for you i hope it does
as it has not yet for me


Three long and lonely years ago
At an early afternoon hour,
God reached down upon this earth
And picked a lovely flower.
He chose our beloved son
To grace his garden on high,
He took him home so quickly
We never said Goodbye.
Our lives have changed completely
Our precious one has gone,
But in our hearts forever
His memory lingers on.
We think of him in his garden
In his new home up above,
We know he's very happy...
He's surrounded by God's love.
On earth all flowers fade and die
As it was meant to be,
For only in God's garden
Do we bloom eternally!