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Treason's Revelation - Index

by Karla Gregory


Chapter One "The Magistrado Comes"
Chapter Two "The Magistrado's Welcome"
Chapter Three "The Testing"
Chapter Four "The Celebration"
Chapter Five "Measuring the de la Vegas"
Chapter Six "The Burro's Confession"
Chapter Seven "The Landholder Meeting"
Chapter Eight "The Magistrado Comes Calling"
Chapter Nine "A Serpent in the Lair of the Fox"
Chapter Ten "The de la Vega Rancho"
Chapter Eleven "The Operative"
Chapter Twelve "The Offer and the Acceptance"
Chapter Thirteen "Fanning the Embers of Conspiracy"
Chapter Fourteen "Bernardo's Peril"
Chapter Fifteen "Voices"
Chapter Sixteen "Zorro!"
Chapter Seventeen "Raising the Stakes"
Chapter Eighteen "Son of Mystery"
Chapter Nineteen "Manipulations"
Chapter Twenty "Zorro's Honor"
Chapter Twenty One "The Imposter's Camp"
Chapter Twenty Two "Eyes of Doubt"
Chapter Twenty Three "In a Box"
Chapter Twenty Four "Stirrings in the Night"
Chapter Twenty Five "Morning Light"
Chapter Twenty Six "Kidnaped by Zorro"

Book Two
Book Three
Book Four

Table of Contents
Short Stories Table of Contents Two