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Misanthropic Issues isn’t the normal run of the line newsletter that readers would come into contact with.

A little thought to ponder for those who have came across this site, and dont agree with the issues stated in this zine....

In the bible, it states; “Judge not, that ye be not judged”(Matthew 7:1). I am of the belief that people should have a sound mind and sound will, on their own. I strongly reject any belief system that doesn’t encourage independent, rational thoughts and criticism (i.e.: Christianity.) I think it is absolutely ridiculous that the new generation along with the old, need “god” to fulfill their lives. A pity they need the lure of a heaven, and the threat of a hell, to do that which many of us do which comes natural: be moral. There is nothing wrong with someone believing what they see, and not a mythical idea or concept. Myth…you readers might ask? According to the Webster’s Dictionary, a myth is: “A traditional story dealing with supernatural ancestors; a person or thing having only an unverifiable or imaginary existence.” Here is a question to ponder; is god verifiable? Proof requires tangible, physical evidence...

Misanthropic Issues deals with ideas based on the dark side, and the music involved with the darker issues of religion. Enjoy!


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