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Chapter Two

That was the Alstein family, Carl,Tracy, Madiline, Harriate, and Todd. It was a great family.

Then one day they had another baby. Her name was Melissa. Madiline, Harriate, and Todd were very excited. Unlike her sisters who had red hair, Melissa had blond hair. The four children got along very nicely.

"Mom, why are you so big?" Ask Melissa one day when she was young.

Well, dear that's what I wanted to tell you kids. Why don't you go round up your sisters and brother." Tracy said.

"Okay." Melissa replied. "Todd, Harriate, Madiline!" Melissa called. "Here they are mom." Melissa said to her mom.

"Thanks. Kids, I'm going to have another child." Tracy said.

"Yea!" Everyone cheered.

The baby was born. Her name was Claire. She too had blond hair.

Then one day she said she was going to have twins.

"Yea!" Everyone cheered.

The babys were born. The were both girls. Their names were Leslie and Anna. They had red hair and green eyes. They were very cute!

"I'm and older sister! Whoo hoo!" Melissa yelped.

So there the family was. Carl, Tracy, Madiline, Harriate, Todd, Melissa, Claire, Leslie, and Anna.

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Chapter Three