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This material is copyright Avital Pinnick, 1999, Jerusalem. All rights reserved. You may use these designs for personal, non-profit use as long as the ~AP~ is left intact.

 /'''\'.        Avital Pinnick
{  \  } 'o      Maale Adumim, Israel
 \__\/ __|_     Avital's Fiber Page / Israel Fiber Network
 ---'''  \      Jewish and fiber-related ascii art

One of my sigs

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 ---''' \
AP /..--'\

Little Saxony wheel

 / | \
 /   \    

Upright or Castle Style wheel

I did this drawing of my spinning wheel when I had to stay home to look after
my son during school vacation, on my second day of playing with ASCII.
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ASCII design index

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Israel Fiber Network | Spinning | Writings | Beads, Embroidery & Cardweaving
About Me | My Family | Web Rings | E-mail Me

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