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The gansey was one of the first sweaters I ever designed. I found the stitch pattern in Vogue Knitting on a Calvin Klein boat-necked pullover (I doubt he invented the stitch) and turned it into a V-neck cardigan with single-crochet bands and pewter buttons. Knitted around 1985 on 5-ply gansey yarn and 2 mm needles.

Mosaic Jacket

This jacket was inspired by the Tree of Life coat in Knitting in America. I knitted it in panels from my lumpy beginner handspun. The darker fleeces were Jacobs and Corriedale. The white and grey--who knows? After seeing how beautifully even really uneven yarn could look when it was knitted up, I became a lot less self-conscious about my spinning.

Random Mitered Square Sweater

Useful way to use leftover wool and mohair. Knitted in 2000.

Mitered Square Vest

The fuscia cotton was unravelled from a summer sweater I knitted years ago. The variegated cotton was purchased from a local guild member. Knitted in 2001.

Da Capo Jacket

Copy of a Hanna Falkenberg pattern. I found a picture of this jacket and was interested in the mitered construction, so I designed my own copy. Yarn is Lopi Light. Knitted in 2002.

Red Lace Shawl

Machine-knitting yarn sometimes becomes a bit fuzzy but it was acceptable for this shawl. I started out with traditional Shetland patterns (Print o'the Wave, Shetland Twins), then made up some of my own in the middle, then switched to Orenberg patterns. I charted the Orenberg patterns before Gossamer Webs was published, from a photo in PieceWork, and at the time I had thought that the large holes were done with 2yo. Now I know that they are done with a single yo in 2 successive rows. Knitted in 2002.

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