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Wire Knitting

I don't do much wire knitting anymore. It's very hard on the hands. I have written some technical notes on knitting with wire.

earringsCopper Triangle Earrings. These earrings were knitted in stockinette stitch out of very fine copper wire and reinforced along the edges with fine silver wire. I've flattened them for the scanner but normally they are gently curved.

earringsSilver Leaf Earrings (unmounted). I made up a leaf pattern and knitted the entire earring in .3 mm (sorry-- I don't know how that converts to US gauges) fine silver wire.

silver pinSilver wire pin. Would you believe that this is an adaptation of the traditional start-at-the-corner-and- increase-with-yo's pattern for washcloths?

Shoshana's earrings and pinShoshana's earrings and pin (unmounted).
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