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Georgette Barbin

Georgette Barbin was born in Marksville La. around 1916. She was the daughter of Winton Aristide Barbin and Cecille Bize and was one of eight siblings. She and Grandma were sisters and were very close but I don't know that much about her. The last time I saw her was when I was about 10 years old. She was a big story teller and loved to talk. I remember her fishing crawfish out of the crawfish holes in Grandma's front yard with us kids.(see bottom left photo) That was so fascinating to us. About a year ago I decided to try and look her up to see how she was doing and I found out she had died a few years ago. I wish I had gotten to know her better before it was too late.

From left to right: Darin and Dawn Stinson, MaryBeth and Barbara Whitman, and I think that is Dottie Bonnin? And of course Georgette telling her crawfish stories.
Georgette with Dorothy and Dawn Stinson
I need some stories and more details about Georgette to bring her story to life. I would appreciate any contributions!!!
