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                                                                                    August 28, 2002


9922 Colette Street

El Paso, Texas  79924

Home Phone (915) 751-7165/751-5193

Fax (915) 751-3252                                                                                                              Email



Master Bernard F. Samuel was born on the island of St Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands where he attended school until his graduation in 1970.  He attended the University of the Virgin Islands, St Croix Campus.


Master Samuel began studying the Martial Arts at the age of 16 with the Nesei Goju Ryu system under the instructions of Sensei Adelbert Bryant and Arthur Dennery.  He also practiced Judo and Jujitsu with the local schools in his hometown.


In 1977, Master Samuel decided to join the U.S. Army as a change of venue.  While stationed in Korea he trained six days a week as a student and assistant instructor under Master Won Tea Jin.  He became affiliated with the Black Knight Karate Association in 1980 under Grand Master Edward M. Brown.


In January of 1983, Master Samuel along with Willibald Flores formed the Third Generation Martial Arts Association.  Master Samuel competed in tournaments in Maryland, Texas, Las Vegas, New Mexico, Arizona, Mexico and California.  From December 1985 thru March 1986, Master Samuel was ranked as high as number four (4) in Region 4 in Kumite.  Master Samuel holds a 4th Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and was recently promoted to 7th Degree (Shishidan) in Goju Ryu by Grand Master Edward M. Brown and Grand Master Charles Dixon of Shinjimatsu International.  Master Samuel is also the Senior Instructor of Grand Master Edward Brown’s Black Knight Karate Association.


The Third Generation Martial Arts Association is located in El Paso, Texas with Darrin Lopez as Chief Instructor and Kametra Samuel as Assistant Instructor of the kid’s classes.


Training times is as follows:

Mondays and Wednesdays   5:30-6:30 PM and 6:30-7:45 PM