This is one of the regular training weeks with me and on your own if you are not able to make a class also training tips for students.
should do at least 125 setups and at least 100 pushups for warms up.
Continue by doing stretching.
should then work on kicking techniques also work on kicking drills up to
the last kick that you have learned.
at each kick that you do and be honest with yourself and see what it would
take to make that kick better.
should do at least 120 setups and at least 100 pushups for warms up.
Continue by doing stretching and do a little extra because of all the
kicking the day before.
should then work on your hand techniques that means work on all your
blocks and punches that you have learned up to that point. When you work
on your blocks and punches make sure you check every block and punch and
try to remember what angle and position it should be in.
should do at least 120 setups and pushups; also do 100 jumping jacks do
stretching before and after.
should finish warming up with kicks and punching techniques. You should
then work on forms up to the point where you remember, take time to work
on the kicks and punches to the point that they are close to perfection as
possible that you can get.
should do at least 120 sit-ups and pushups. You should do stretching to
the maximum. Work on fighting techniques all ten of them or up to the
point you remember, then work them into the fighting scheme that fits into
your style of fighting or what you are accustom to. If you spar each other
make sure you watch your control and then watch what mistakes you make
verses the good things you do when you do get to spar.
should do at least 120 sit-ups and pushups. Do your stretching and then
work on all the techniques that you remember, fighting, kicking, and
punching. When you finish go over some forms not all at least the last
three that you remember. You can make this an easy day if you wish, but do
get something accomplished.
Saturdays and Sundays are
open days for one on one or self-improvement.
These are some of the
drills that are conducted in some of the classes
Drills at least 5 each!
stretch kick
snap kick
outside crescent kick
inside crescent kick
back kick
hook kick
crescent kick
wheel kick
kick as you learn them side, front, side, and all spinning kicks
drills at least 20 times each
high, and low punch
hand strike
knuckle punch
have different forms or Kata's that each instructor teaches but we do have
a foundation of forms/kata's. Work on the forms that you know and any
other forms that you know from other styles or can remember
Training tips for students
Developing Speed with Front Leg Offensive or Defensive Side Kicks and Hook Kicks can be also incorporated to this drill. Just swing the bag back/forward for the side kick:
Improving your speed with front leg Flip Kick/Snap Round Kick
While standing in front of a Punching Bag while swinging left to right.
Time the bag as it comes to the center executing the kick, creating a pop sound, not stopping the bag but allowing the bag to continue his swinging trajectory.
Do 5 sets of 10 Reps with each Leg (Remember, front leg) back leg should retain 90% of your body weight. Do not step, or lock your base/standing knee or move your base leg as you execute the kick. Keep your head and body steady, no upward or downward movement. After mastering this kick without allowing your body to create the uo and down motion... add a Back Knuckle to the technique as you execute the kick. Good luck....
Special Tip
Do not stop doing until the reps are complete, even if you reach muscle failure. If you reach muscle failure at an early stage of work out, start with 5 sets of 7 reps and so on adjust reps to your capabilities and work your way up. Enjoy, you will love it.
After the kicking drills, Do Isometrics, 3 sets of 5 reps with each leg, on a Side kick motion. Raise knee, extend leg, lock knee, hold for a count of 8, bring in slowly, place down...wait 10 seconds, repeat to the 5 reps. Then next leg.
Wait 30 to 45 seconds between sets.
Do not be afraid, your leg and bottom is going to feel a lovely burning sensation, that is good....
Questions? Contact me at