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Healing Alternatives: Ask Pam


Natural Cures for Delusional Disorders


Dear Pam,

Q. What herbs and/or vitamins would you recommend to help cure delusional disorders?

A. Please also see my article:

Help for Psychosis, Risk of Mania

“. . .epidemiological and historical findings point to diet as a possible mediating factor in schizophrenia. Ecological studies have indicated that a worse outcome of schizophrenia is associated with higher consumption of saturated fat and sugar. It is also known that schizophrenic patients have increased insulin resistance and are at increased risk of developing diabetes and coronary heart disease. These findings suggest a new paradigm for our understanding of the causation and treatment of schizophrenia.”
(Nutr Health. 2003; 17(3):211-9 Nutrition and schizophrenia: an epidemiological and clinical perspective)

Current research indicates that delusional disorders such as schizophrenia may be caused by phospholipids in the brain being broken down too quickly as a result of too much phospholipase A2 (an enzyme that breaks down phospholipids) and oxidative stress (free radicals) or too little apolipoprotein D (a protein that transfers phospholipids to the brain). To combat this, take supplemental omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA (fish oil) in conjunction with vitamin C and vitamin E. If you are vegetarian, try flax oil alone or in an “Udo’s Oil” type mix, or omega-3’s derived from algaes.

Delusional symptoms can also be caused by B vitamin deficiencies. Niacin, B-6, and B-12 are all possible candidates. While orthomolecular nutrition suggests megadoses of niacin, I would first start off with a B-complex stress supplement. Megadosing on one particular B vitamin can lead to deficiencies in others or cover up damage caused by deficiencies until it is too late.

Safe Harbour Online has had success with elimination of processed foods (especially refined sugars) and allergens, and recommends supplementing zinc and manganese in addition to the above.

Two other supplements that I came across that may reduce delusions are glycine (an amino acid) and gingko biloba. Other recommended herbs are hops, catnip, skullcap, valerian root and chamomile (all “calming” herbs). Magnesium and calcium also help to calm the brain and conduct nerve impulses.

As always, I recommend getting as many of these nutrients as possible from food (instead of or in addition to store-bought supplements). Nutrients usually work together to be effective, and science does not know what additional nutrients may need to be present to help the above nutrients work. Fish contains many important minerals as well as essential fatty acids. Oranges contain vitamin C and B vitamins. Dark leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables contain a wealth of B vitamins as well as trace minerals. Whole grains contain much higher levels of required vitamins and minerals than refined flours, (even when they are “enriched”). Legumes and lean animal proteins provide a spectrum of amino acids which are important to your mental and emotional health. So do not just pop pills, take a good hard look at your diet too. A program of supplements will work much better if you work on consuming whole foods, lots of fruits and veggies, and quality sources of protein, and eliminate as many refined flours, sugars, and hydrogenated oils as possible.



DISCLAIMER: This is an advice column only. Every attempt will be made to provide only safe and accurate information, but please speak with a professional before following any advice you are given. All information contained in these columns is strictly for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your medical doctor or psychiatrist.

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