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Healing Alternatives: Ask Pam


Can You Review "Too Good To Be True"?


Dear Pam,

Q. Dear Pam,
I have just finished reading the David Moyer book, "Too Good to be True?" (Nutrients Quiet the Unquiet Brain, A Four Generation Bipolar Odyssey). I would like to know what is your opinion on this approach to the treatment of bipolar disorder using the supplements outlined in the book? Also, would like to know what you think about his theories of lyme disease, stealth viruses and vaccines and their role in the provocation of symptoms in those with a predispostion to Bp. As for Omega 3 Fatty acids, what is the recommended dosage for a teenager using it as adjunct therapy to psych meds and would meds need to be adjusted, if only this (not other supplements) were to be added? Thank you.

A. Jeanne, Would you like to summarize the program of supplements that the author suggests, or do you want to wait until I can read the book?



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