BPhoenix Poetry
Copyright Note: Individual authors retain all rights to their work. Reproduction in whole or part is not allowed.
-  by neisha thorn
Outsider in an inside world
Seeing idiots and airheads go bye Anyone have a safety pin? Deflating someones thoughts Worthless for the time on earth But if not for them who would watch cartoons and daytime talk shows? hy blame me if i slit my wrist? Who would want the truth i get? Abusing wives Abusing mothers What sick psychos do to others Why live in a world of that? Drunk stepfathers left and right. Fathers running out on wives. Kid screwed up from what shouldnt of been. No happy thoughts here Ben. Cut my throat or something please! Why im not getting on my knees! To smart to lives. To dumb to dies. Why so many make up lies. Kill me now. Stop the knowing. Cant take it. Must tell you so you can suffer too. How do you like it Joey?
Copyright Note: Individual authors retain all rights to their work. Reproduction in whole or part is not allowed.