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Disruptive Behavior Disorders:

The Defiant Child: A Parent's Guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder

The American Psychiatric Association estimates that sixteen percent of children in the United States may have oppositional defiant disorder. These kids relentlessly push the boundaries set for them by authority figures. By exploring the mindset of O.D.D. children and explaining the way they operate, Dr. Douglas Riley teaches parents how to recognize the signs and modify the behavior of their O.D.D.
- Ingram

Your Defiant Child: Eight Steps to Better Behavior

Drawing on Dr. Russell A. Barkley's many years of work with parents and children, the book clearly explains what causes defiance, when it becomes a problem, and how it can be resolved. The book's comprehensive eight-step program stresses consistency and cooperation, promoting changes through a system of praise, rewards, and mild punishment. Readers learn tools and strategies for establishing clear patterns of discipline, communicating with children on a level they can understand, and reducing family stress overall. Filled with helpful charts, questionnaires, and checklists, YOUR DEFIANT CHILD helps parents get their child's behavior back on track and restore harmony in the home.

The Whipped Parent: Hope for Parents Raising an Out-Of-Control Teen

Both parents and professionals will discover that The Whipped Parent is a practical, realistic and easy-to-understand resource for dealing with an adolescent's frustrating behaviors -- behaviors that can leave even the most experienced parents "whipped." It is written in everyday language, with humor and hope, by experts who work exclusively with adolescents who are "oppositional-defiant" and have conduct disorders. Even the most overwhelmed parent will finish it and feel better!

Conduct Disorders: The Latest Assessment and Treatment Strategies

Conduct disorders account for half of all referrals to child mental health clinics. What are the new types of conduct disorders in the DSM-IV? How do conduct-disordered children function as adults? Is this an inherited condition? How do you differentiate conduct disorders from child anti social behavior and other disorders? How effective are the commonly used treatment models?

From Defiance to Cooperation

How do you deal with a difficult and defiant child or teenager? What can you do if your child has been diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) or is resentful and constantly in trouble at school? Are there constructive ways to channel such oppositional energy and determination? Dr. John F. Taylor will tell you how. Inside, you'll find new hope and hundreds of specific, sensible, and easy-to-implement suggestions for improving life with a rebellious and argumentative child.

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