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Dissociative Disorders:

Amongst Ourselves: A Self-Help Guide to Living With Dissociative Identity Disorder

Author is a clinical psychologist living in San Diego, CA. Self-help guide for persons with dissociative identity disorder (DID) or multiple personality disorder (MPD). Discusses skills and strategies to manage living with these disorders, the positive aspects, what to expect from therapy, and how DID affects lives.

The Myth of Sanity: Divided Consciousness and the Promise of Awareness

A startling new study in human consciousness, The Myth of Sanity is a landmark book about forgotten trauma, dissociated mental states, and multiple personality in everyday life. In its groundbreaking analysis of childhood trauma and dissociation and their far-reaching implications in adult life, it reveals that moderate dissociation is a normal mental reaction to pain and that even the most extreme dissociative reaction-multiple personality-is more common than we think. Through astonishing stories of people whose lives have been shattered by trauma and then remade, The Myth of Sanity shows us how to recognize these altered mental states in friends and family, even in ourselves.

Flock : The Autobiography of a Multiple Personality

When Joan Frances Casey "awoke" on the ledge of a building ready to jump, she did not know how she had gotten there. And it wasn't the first time she had blanked out. She decided to give therapy another try. And after a few sessions, Lynn Wilson, an experienced psychiatric social worker, was shocked to discover that Joan had MPD--Multiple Personality Disorder. And as she came to know Joan's distinct selves, Lynn uncovered a nightmarish pattern of emotional and physical abuse, including rape and incest, that nearly succeeded in smothering the artistic and intellectual gifts of this amazing young woman.

Rag Doll: A Journey of Healing and Integration

Following a near-death experience, Alayna has memories of early childhood abuse. She finds herself on a journey that takes her from despair to discovery of multiple personalities, and finally to a time of healing and integration. This is a book of courage and hope, of special value to survivors and their families, as well as psychotherapists. Included is an Afterword by the clinical psychologist, Judith A. Goren, Ph.D., who treated Alayna.

When Rabbit Howls

Truddi Chase began therapy to discover why she suffered from blackouts. What surfaced was terrifying: she was inhabited by 'the Troops'-92 individual personalities. This groundbreaking true story is made all the more extraordinary in that it was written by the Troops themselves. What they reveal is a spellbinding descent into a personal hell-and an ultimate deliverance for the woman they became.

The Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook

From Eve to Sybil to Truddi Chase, the media have long chronicled the lives of people with dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder. The Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook serves as a much-needed bridge for communication between the dissociative individual and therapists, family, and friends who also have to learn to deal with the effects of this truly astonishing disorder.

The Stranger In The Mirror

You peer into the mirror and have trouble recognizing yourself. You feel as if you're going through the motions of life or you're watching a movie of yourself. These are all symptoms of dissociation -- a debilitating psychological condition involving feelings of disconnection that affects 30 million people in North America and often goes untreated. The Stranger in the Mirror offers unique guidelines for identifying and recovering from dissociative symptoms based on Dr. Marlene Steinberg's breakthrough diagnostic test. Filled with fascinating case histories of people with multiple personalities, this book provides enlightening insights into how all of us respond to trauma and overcome it. Her innovative method of treatment will benefit anyone in search of a healthier sense of self and a heightened capacity for joy.

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