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Autism / PDDs:

Educating Children With Autism

Educating Children with Autism outlines an interdisciplinary approach to education for children with autism. The committee explores what makes education effective for the child with autism and identifies specific characteristics of programs that work.


This project is committed to portraying autism and, more profoundly, individuals with autism, from the inside out. Through the media of photography and writing, this book hopes to educate and inspire by breaking apart stereotypes associated with autism while showing vividly that love is omnipotent in our trials and triumphs. It is the ultimate lesson, weapon and savior as we struggle to understand and overcome life's challenges each day.


Social and Communication Intervention for Children With Autism.
Quill, associated with The Autism Institute in Essex, Massachusetts, presents educators, clinicians, and parents with a guide to assessment and intervention that features state-of-the-art tools along with hundreds of creative ideas to promote social and communication skills. She also include practical background information about autism itself, guidelines for designing and implementing intervention plans, and reproducible forms for collecting data.
- Book News, Inc.

Facing Autism

In this greatly needed new book, author Lynn M. Hamilton draws upon her own experience of successfully parenting an autistic child to give overwhelmed moms and dads guidance, practical information, and - best of all - hope for battling this disorder in their children's lives. In Facing Autism, parents will learn ten things they can do to begin battling autism right away, investigate cutting-edge biomedical treatments and other therapies, explore the benefits of dietary intervention, and much more as they learn how to begin the fight for their child's future.

Children With Starving Brains

In the midst of a worldwide epidemic of autism, ADD, and ADHD, this book is a message of hope to parents embarking on the challenging journey of finding proper medical care for their Autism Spectrum Disorder children. Genetic susceptibility activated by "triggers" such as pesticides and heavy metals in vaccines can lead to immune system impairment, gut dysfunction, and pathogen invasion such as yeast and viruses in many children.

The Adhd-Autism Connection

For years, the label of Autism has carried a negative connotation. Parents were afraid to admit the diagnosis and banished the term from discussion. Finally, The ADHD-Autism Connection gives parents, educators, and doctors a reason to embrace autism with a renewed sense of hope and understanding. This book will show how these understandings can minimize the frustration, misdiagnoses, and misunderstandings ADHD sufferers and their families face.

Autism/Aspergers: Solving the Relationship Puzzle

Steve Gutstein, psychologist and autism specialist, sought to discover why children with autism lack the social skills that come so easily to the rest of us. The result of his efforts is an innovative program - Relationship Development Intervention - that take social skills teaching to the next level. You'll learn about the social development pathway of the nondisabled child and the life-changing detour taken by children on the autism spectrum. However, instead of leaving you there, Autism/Aspergers: Solving the Relationship Puzzle describes ways to steer children with autism onto a bright new path of self discovery and social awareness, one that will ultimately bring them home to meaningful friendships, shared emotions and heartfelt connection with the people in their lives.

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