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PTSD & Trauma:

The PTSD Workbook

Post-traumatic stress disorder is an extremely debilitating condition that can occur after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal. In The PTSD Workbook, readers determine the type of trauma they experienced, identify their physical, mental, and emotional symptoms, and learn effective techniques and interventions to overcome them. They start with the exercise best suited to relieve their worst symptom then progress to less troubling symptoms, picking up key information about PTSD along the way.

The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment

Illuminates the value of understanding the psychophysiology of trauma for both clinicians and their traumatized clients. Traumatized people hold a memory of that trauma in their brains and bodies. This is the first book to link this phenomenon of somatic memory and the impact of trauma on the body. Reducing the chasm between scientific theory and clinical practice and bridging the gap between talk and body therapy, Rothschild presents techniques for addressing the memory in the body.

Treating the Trauma of Rape

In the U.S. alone, approximately 1.5 million adult female survivors of rape are estimated to suffer from chronic PTSD. This invaluable resource--informed by the latest research and written by two of the leading authorities in the field--provides a step-by-step guide to proven brief therapy techniques for treating traumatized women.

An Operators Manual for Combat PTSD : Essays for Coping

An Operators Manual for Combat PTSD has been written to give the combat veteran a sense of hope and to develop an inner voice to assist in coping with everyday life. We live in two worlds: The physical world around us; The world we can see, hear, touch, and feel, and the world within ourselves. These essays assist the veteran in learning how to monitor triggers, our cues, and balance the world within with the world we live in. With harmonic balance, there is essential well being, validation, even joy.

PTSD/Borderlines in Therapy: Finding the Balance

This book examines the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and adult borderline personality disorder, with a particular focus on symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The legacy of childhood abuse establishes a pattern in which the past influences the patient's present life in profound ways, from symptoms such as dissociative episodes to relationship styles such as victimization.

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