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My Awards
(Playing ~ "Almost A Whisper")


In most cases, you may click on each award to view the web site bestowing the honor.


Thank you, dear friend Barbara, for bestowing this Beautiful Memories Award. I consider it a distinct honor
and am proud to receive it. You have been my mentor and the inspiration for my web site.
Please visit Barbara's site for a real treat.

Thank you, Martha, for the wonderful surprise. It is such a delight to receive from a site as excellent as your own.
I'm also happy to become associated as a new "homesteader" for Heartland Select and pleased that you were
the Heartland Community Leader to contact me.


I'm so honored, Janice, to receive your prestigious award !! It is so meaningful to me. Yours was the very first web site
I found (Country Heart Designs) in my search for beautiful backgrounds and other graphics; also the first web ring
I felt I would like to join. I am very proud to display your award.


Thank you, Toni, for bestowing this wonderful award from your own excellent site. I consider it such a privilege
and honor to display. I will always strive to be sure my site meets your expectations !
(Unfortunately, I can no longer find Toni's web site.)

Thank you, Marge, for this wonderful surprise from MarChar Connections. I am proud to receive this award
from a site as inspirational as yours, and I will constantly strive to live up to this honor.

Thank you, Cherub, for this Award for Site Excellence from Cherub's Midi Collection ~ a great place to visit
for outstanding midis !

Thank you, Kathleen, for these three awards ~ Award of Excellence, Friendly Site and Beautiful Site.
I am proud to display them. Kathleen Verpoorten is a talented young person of Belgium
and has a beautiful site, but I have removed the link to her pages as you cannot
use your browser to return from her site.





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Copyright © 2000-2005 Carolyn Springer Harding
All Rights Reserved Unless Otherwise Noted