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Chattanooga High School
60th Reunion, Class of 1946
October 6-7, 2006

(Playing ~ "Little Brown Jug")


As I was contemplating making this web page for our 60th reunion of the Class of 1946, I realized how difficult it is
to report on something that you did not experience. Unfortunately, I had an unavoidable conflict this year.

I have made a web page for each reunion beginning with the 50th in 1996 though, for that page, I had to rely on notes,
memories and pictures I had made as I did not start my personal web site until 2000. Though there is no web page for
our 45th reunion, I remember how special it was, and I made a few comments about it on the main City High page. Including
that home page for our class, I have now made eight (8) web pages for the Class of '46. All can be linked to from the main
City High page. Music has been a very important part of my life, as it probably also has been for you, so it was only natural
that I would include the music from our era on each web page ..... the "Big Band" music that we grew up with.

This has been the most difficult to make as I had to rely on other classmates to give me a sense of this year's reunion.
I think maybe Celeste gave me the best clue when she said it was "very low key and full of visiting." And that was probably
what was special this year .... no program, good food and lots of time to visit with friends! I believe there were about
60 in attendance. On both nights, I understand several spoke informally about their memories of City High days.

For the photos I give credit and my thanks to Jo Ann Effron Richelson and to Charlotte Chamberlain Crevasse's son Chris!

I believe this will be the final web page for our class. I do plan to keep editing the "In Memoriam" section when necessary,
hoping that won't happen too often ........ so take care!!


60th Reunion Committee
President Bill Clift, Charlotte Chamberlain Crevasse, Shirley Bishoff Waters, Bob Templeton, Tilda Caldwell Wall

These classmates have coordinated many enjoyable class reunions. They deserve our thanks and a well-deserved rest!
Special thanks to Bill Clift, our class president for all three high school years and for the past 60 years since graduation!!


............Bill Clift and Melba .............................................................................. Bettye Jo Simmons Alderman and Rom
Special thanks also to Melba for her support role!
................................................................................................................... ...

Saturday night's reunion dinner was held at the Chattanooga Golf and Country Club. The beautiful roses at each table
were reminiscent of the roses carried by all the girls at commencement exercises in 1946.
Each lady was encouraged to take a rose at the end of the evening.


.....................View of festive Oktoberfest on Friday night ............................................................ Celeste Martin Rast gives President Bill a big bear hug ~_ ........... the Heritage Landing Club House ............................................................................ with Don Moore ~ Maurice Richelson in foreground ......


Mary May with Jack Van Hooser and Phyllis................................................................. Bettye Huskins Cotter with Phyllis Coulter Goodman ..........
Jack was Salutatorian for our class.


Dot Free Thurmond, right, with her sister Sarah Hilliard who lives ..............................................Jo Ann Effron Richelson and Maurice .................................
in Chattanooga. Dot came all the way from California to join her classmates!


................................... Arch Trimble and Ann Huffaker Rose ........................................................................... Tom Cuthbert with Bill Eldridge..................................................


............ Bob, Celeste, Bettye Jo and Lena Dot Templeton ................................................................................................................. Charlotte with Bud .......................................
We owe a debt of gratitude to Celeste for the years
she produced a new class directory for our reunions.
They have been helpful and a great keepsake! ...............................................................................................................................................................................


................ Bettye Huskins Cotter and H. P. ............................................................................................. Charlaine Cash Simpson, Charlotte and Tilda
..................................................................................................................................................... ............. Charlaine was our faithful and talented accompanist for
..................................................................................................................................................................... the Girls' Glee Club, my most enjoyable activity


........................................Wayne Degler and Dorothy ................................................................. Joe May with Mary and Don Moore .............................
.................................................................................................................................................... Don was our Class Treasurer.


Blair Trewhitt and Eddie ....................................................................................... Virginia Hicks Everett and Malone
............................................................................................................................................... share a table with Bill Trotter and Bill's daughter Tricia


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