GWGF Spotlight on Yolanda
(Playing ~ "Friends Are
Friends Forever")
This page is dedicated to another
precious good friend and fellow member of the
"Girls With Grandmother Faces," a group of
friends from our days at Carson-Newman College.
(See update ... In Memoriam ... at the end.)
~ Yolanda Featherstone Dixon ~
Just about my
favorite picture of Yolanda .... giving a typical bear
hug to two other GWGF,
Earlene Caylor Bryson and Mary Ann Shropshire Barnhart at
a C-N Homecoming.

When Yolanda arrived on campus our
freshman year from Belmont, NC,
she literally stole our hearts with her friendliness, her
outgoing personality,
her smile and the tremendous love in her heart for
everyone. She came from a
Carson-Newman background as her mother also attended C-N.
Yo was an extremely popular and
active member of our class and was involved
in many areas of interest. She immediately became one of
the brightest "stars" of
the A Cappella Choir. I could never hear the "Messiah"
without remembering
her beautiful solo voice. No one could ever do justice to
"Rejoice Greatly,
O Daughter of Zion!" like Yo. We had such good times
on the choir tours,
along with many of the other GWGF. We also sang together
in the Girls' Sextet,
along with Doris Ruth, Shirley, Barbara and Kitty. And,
along with many other
"Girls With Grandmother Faces," she was a
member of the Class of 1952.
Yo lived in a small make-shift
dormitory during her freshman year, like
so many of us, and then moved to Henderson Dorm where she
had a room on
the third floor for the next three years. We all have
fond memories of
that wonderful dormitory with its big rooms and parlors,
the wrap-around porch,
its wide airy halls, the fun we had and of the life-long
friends we made.
Among other activities and honors,
Yo was a fellow Hypatian and 4th Quarter
president our senior year, and she was active in BSU and
the Definite Service Band.
She was voted female "Personality" in our
senior student elects, and
she was Class Secretary for our senior year.
Yolanda and cow !
Yo pets a cow statue at the Biltmore Dairy store in 1994
when several of the GWGF
made a long weekend trip to Asheville, NC. ...Sorry
you couldn't milk that cow, Yo!

After graduation, Yo became
educational director at Roxboro, NC, Baptist Church.
There she met and married Jack Dixon and moved the short
distance to Leasburg
where they farmed and helped in the family dairy. They
had three children,
Lyn, Warren and Jane. Yo was quoted by one of the GWGF as
saying that she could not
have chosen a better life than the one she had on the
farm and dairy with her husband Jack and
the children. Her husband died in 1990. Yo is now the
proud grandmother to five grandsons and
two granddaughters, and she has been choir director for
many years at Leasburg Methodist Church.
I have fond memories of several days
spent with Yo at her home in 1993.
I was amazed to note that she got up each morning at 3:30
to go out to help
get the milking machinery in place. No milk was ever as
good as that fresh milk!
At "The Attic,"
once a favorite spot for our group's planned dinners at
Front row ~ Bobbie Jean "Kitty" Catlett Peck,
Yolanda, Charlotte Hicks Brunson
Second row ~ Carolyn Springer Harding

Yo shares a good
time with us at a C-N Homecoming.
Made at a restaurant close to our "home away from
home," Comfort Suites, Morristown.
Front Row ~ Kitty, Ann Weed Cushing, Yolanda
Second row ~ Hilna Watters Long, Barbara Compton
Goodgame, Earlene, Carolyn

Yolanda shares a
big laugh with some of us at the first
Spring Fling, 1995, at Carolyn's home in Lebanon,
Picture made at our area's famous Cherokee Restaurant on
the Cumberland River.
First row ~ Yolanda, Wanda Saylor Palmer, Anna Joyce
Burgin Northern
Second row ~ Barbara, Earlene, Carolyn, Mattie Carroll

This picture is a must
for the story that follows from Spring Fling, 1995:
Seated in front ~ Wanda
Standing ~ Kitty, Carolyn, Helen Wilkie Hagan, Earlene,
Barbara, Yolanda, Mattie, Anna Joyce

At Spring Fling, 1995, several of us
had a "moment to remember" with Yo.
We were looking around downtown Nashville, when someone (?)
said, "Let's check
out Tootsie's Orchid Lounge." Curiosity prevailed,
certainly including my own,
as Tootsie's was, for a great many years, a famous spot
for the country music
greats. We entered, thinking we would walk straight
through, look around and
then go out the back door which led straight to the
famous Ryman Auditorium.
However, Wanda had other ideas and whispered to someone
that we were a famous
singing group! Before we knew what was happening, they
had pressured us to
come up to the stage and sing. There was just no graceful
way to refuse, so Yo
whispered to us to sing "Amazing Grace."
Someone with a guitar accompanied us.
After the first stanza, everyone applauded, thinking, of
course, that we would stop.
However, Yo kept leading us right through every single
stanza! Even those sitting
around at tables drinking, stopped and listened. Now, how
many people, other than
the "greats," can say they have sung on stage
at Tootsie's !!!!
Yo has been like a "mother hen"
to all of us. At our GWGF Spring Flings, or
anytime we're together, she can be counted on to give
everyone a special
"good night" hug and a big smile.
Thank you, Yo, for being such a
loving, special friend.
You are always in our hearts, our thoughts and our
and we all love you !!
"The Lord Bless You and Keep
In Memoriam (August 19,
1930 - August 31, 2002)
We have just lost our precious
friend Yolanda in this life but will join her someday in
The Next!
She was truly special and will live forever in our
memories and our hearts. Her Christian testimony
was strong throughout her life and to the end.

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Carolyn Springer Harding
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