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Girls With Grandmother Faces
Spring Fling ~ 2005
latest saga in the "Where in the World are the GWGF" series
(Playing ~ Theme music from "Pride and Prejudice")


May 16 -20 ~ Fairfield Glade, Tennessee, Nottingham Villas
~ courtesy of Earlene ~


Mary Frances appears to be welcoming all of us to Spring Fling this year .... actually it was a lucky shot of the
camera at just the right moment! If only she had known what was in store .... FOR her .... but mostly TO her!
After all, how many more weddings can we GWGF count on!!
It all happens on June 4, 2005 when she becomes Mrs. Ennis Mooneyham!


The entire SF2005 bunch ... 19 of us!

          lst row ~ Barbara J., Helen, Mary Ann, Marian, Earlene
2nd row ~ Kitty, Mary Dean, Theta, Mattie, Nancy, Wanda
3rd row ~ Imogene, Cecilia, Mary Frances, Shirley, Jean, Barbara G., Lois Jean, Carolyn


Destination for this year's Spring Fling was Fairfield Glade, Tennessee, a retirement community near Crossville.
Luxurious accommodations were ours as a gift from Earlene and Jewell. We had spacious quarters
fit for a king at the brand-new Nottingham Villas. We went out for our main meal every day with
a snack supper prepared by a different food team each night. We ended each day with interesting
and inventive inspirational devotional sessions. The weatherman cooperated beautifully ...
pleasant sunny days with no rain until it started after midnight during our last night.

On Tuesday, almost everyone went to the Cumberland Playhouse to see "Always ... Patsy Cline." The most wonderful part
of any GWGF Spring Fling is simply being together with constant bonding .... laughing, sharing, all talking at once, etc.
All this is possible because of the blessing of our having attended Carson-Newman together!

Quite a few other GWGF had wanted to attend this year and just couldn't work it into their plans
for various reasons. Some even intended to come until almost the last minute and had to drop out.
We missed every single one of you!

We were blessed this year with the presence of Earlene's Jewell and Wanda's Harry.
Of course, they stayed elsewhere at Fairfield Glades but did eat a few meals with us and help with picture-taking.


The food team for one night ~ Kitty, Mattie, Barbara J., Jean and Earlene


It was a good year for old roommates from Henderson Hall to get together .....

......................... Mary Ann, Barbara, Carolyn ............................................ Imogene, Jean, Marian.............................
Our two rooms were right across the hall from each other.

Other roomies from Henderson .....

Helen, Shirley, Mary Frances


We enjoyed an old-fashioned "pounding" for Mary Frances with lots of food staples being brought in.
This was done with the understanding that she would not want/need to take anything home with her so
arrangements were made for Helen to deliver everything to Appalachian Outreach in Jefferson City.


We all brought gag gifts for our bride-to-be, the highlight of which was an absolutely hilarious skit
by Barbara J. and Earlene .... only they could have pulled this off! They are shown above in the parts
of "Mary Frances" and "Ennis" with the real Mary Frances looking on. The "beautiful" and "most appropriate"
negligee (purchased at the Salvation Army) was Wanda's gag gift for the impending wedding night.


Another fun event was the choosing of an appropriate wedding veil for Mary Frances.
Everyone was given two sheets of white tissue paper, with the use only of a pair of scissors,
and a very limited amount of time to fashion their proposed veil.

Finalists pictured above .... Kitty, Mary Frances, Earlene, Mary Ann and Helen.
It was said that all veils were perfectly "beautiful" but Helen's was finally chosen as the "best."
Mary Frances is also shown holding one of her gag gifts .... her wedding bouquet!


Wednesday was a day full of fun and excitement!

We were so pleased that Ann and Fessor (Charles H. Jones) could plan to be with us on Wednesday.
So many of our GWGF were in the A Cappella Choir, with Fessor as director, and have loved and
respected him for more than 50 years now. It really "makes our day" when we can be with him,
and we have also come to have these feelings about his wife Ann! Their friendship and
the opportunity to be with them occasionally, especially at Homecoming, is special to us all.

We also felt honored this year that Suzanne Matheny came to be with us on Wednesday. She has
resigned her position as Alumni Director at C-N, and we are all indebted to her for her friendship
and help to us on many different levels in her position. She will be greatly missed!

After a wonderful lunch Wednesday at Cumberland Mountain State Park .... and many picture-taking
opportunities .... Fessor and Ann and Suzanne came back to Nottingham Villas with us for
a delightful afternoon of just being together.


Ann and Fessor


Here's another picture of all of us. Fessor is seated on the front row, along with Suzanne.


Fessor is shown here with Mary Frances who is holding a letter
from Carson-Newman stating that donations had been given
from the GWGF in her honor to the Charles H. Jones Piano Scholarship.
(You see, we did do one nice thing for her!)


All GWGF in attendance received a little card with something new ... our own GWGF logo created by Jama.
It has been placed on the
Girls With Grandmother Faces web page. You may click here and then
use your back button to return to this page.


Earlene with her little crystal pig. Thank you, our sweet Earlene, for the
wonderful week at Fairfield Glade in our spacious Nottingham Villa accommodations.
You and Jewell made it unforgettable!


"The Lord Bless You and Keep You"


I'd love it if you would sign my guest book ... click on my picture.  

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