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Girls With Grandmother Faces

Spring Fling ~ 2006
~ latest saga in the "Where in the World are the GWGF" series ~
(Playing ~ "Stephen Foster Medley")

Jean De's Lexington
Kentucky ....... May 15 -19


The Spring Fling bunch this year .... 15 GWGF and 2 visitors
(also 6 husbands)

Front row ... Jean, Ann, Carolyn, Nellie Faye, Barbara J, Marian, Mattie
Back row .... Wanda, Olive Belle, Hope, Lois Jean , Mary Dean, Imogene, Tina, Earlene, Barbara G, Mary Frances

Every year we feel the same, each year is unique, but this truly has to be one of the best! Jean worked so hard
to ensure that we had a good time, that we enjoyed as many of the wonderful places in Lexington as time would allow
and that we were comfortable .... Springs Inn certainly was a great place for us to "hang our hats."
Mattie was a big help to Jean and to all of us by disseminating the information and reminders.

A couple of interesting statistics: We came from 9 different states this year ~
Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.
5 different Carson-Newman classes were represented:
Class of 1948 ~ 1
1951 ~ 2
1952 ~ 5
1953 ~ 7
1956 ~ 1

Six husbands came along this year for various reasons: Charley, Ennis, Harrell, Harry, Jewell and John Paul.
They were good company and participated in most or many of our activities. And it was such a joy to have
Lois Jean's sister Hope and Barbara J's daughter Tina with us!

The weather cooperated beautifully. It was rather cool ... around 61° ... and pleasant all week until some
rain on Thursday. We expected cool weather, and probably some rain, so at least we came prepared!

We began arriving at the Springs Inn late Monday afternoon, getting checked in so we could unpack;
then meeting back in the lobby before 6:00. Of course, there is alway laughter, talk and lots of hugs
as we greet each other for the first time since the last homecoming at Carson-Newman.

Jean had arranged for our dinner to be in a private room adjacent to the main dining room at the Inn. We had
a wonderful meal. Most had never eaten a "hot Brown," (so named for the Brown Hotel in Louisville where
it was first served) and I believe that's what most everyone ordered. After dinner we decided to have our
evening devotional right there as it was most convenient. Lois Jean and her sister
Hope led and made this a beautiful and inspiring time for us.

Before we dispersed, we took this time for picture-taking of the entire GWGF group as I was afraid there
might not be another time to get a picture for my web page. Afterwards, most of "us girls" went to Mattie and
Marian's suite for more girl talk. Their suite came in most handy during the week as it was the only place
large enough for all of us to gather.

Tuesday morning, as every morning, found us crammed into the Inn's small coffee room for our Continental breakfast.
Actually, we learned it was unusual to have such a large group as ours so normally the room was big enough.

We car-pooled and tried to stay together as we rode out to Irish Acres Gallery of Antiques at Nonesuch.
I wish I could describe it ... you just had to be there. It definitely is a "fantasyland setting of elegance
and splendor" and contains 32,000 square feet. I suspect to do it justice you would have to spend
quite a few days just roaming around. Lunch was at The Glitz Restaurant on the lower level
and was a delightful and tasty experience.

As a permanent memento of our Spring Fling in Lexington, Jean gave each of us an authentic horseshoe which
she personally had cleaned. They are painted silver, decorated and have the inscribed words
"GWGF," "Kentucky," and "2006."


Hope, Mary Dean and Lois Jean pose in an area
of the Gallery.


The entrance to the Glitz is so elegant that I asked Nellie Faye to pose. Catch her reflection in
the mirror.


In this picture at The Glitz, the ceiling is the real star. The photo can't do
it justice but perhaps this will help:
..... It has "earned a national design award for the 'glitzy' black and mauve interior. Grapevines and flowers
tangle across the walls and ceilings basking in twinkling lights of candles,
tiny bulbs and lamps encompassed
in crinkly cellophane."


Mary Frances posed (catch another opportunity for a beautiful mirror reflection) modeling some of the
finery she was considering. Others
of us couldn't resist a gorgeous
piece or two of some of the
unusual jewelry.


We finally had to leave all these wonderful pieces that were saying "buy me, buy me," and then drove back
to the motel for a period of rest in the afternoon. Jean invited us to her home that night for a catered dinner.
She was a gracious host, and we thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful evening of fellowship and food.


Jean in the driveway of her home with Ann


Prettily posed in Jean's living room ...
Marian, Ann and Mattie


Earlene presents Jean with a "present" she received
as last year's host for Spring Fling. Amid much
hilarity, all hosts from the beginning in 1995 were,
and will be, required to add their signature
to said article!


Back at the motel, we convened again in Mattie and Marian's suite for our "just girls" get together.
Our devotional for the evening was given by Marian. For quite a few years now, we've looked
forward each year to Marian's playing the dulcimer for us. Her playing of the old songs
and our "sing along" is so worshipful. We just didn't want it to end!


For additional report and pictures on
2006 Spring Fling ... click here



I'd love it if you would sign my guest book ... click on my picture.  

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