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Appetizers, Dips, Drinks, Miscellaneous

Boiled Custard

5 eggs, beaten
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup sugar
4 cups milk
1 tsp. vanilla

Combine eggs, salt and sugar. Add milk slowly. Cook (be sure to stir) in double boiler until spoon is coated. Add vanilla. STRAIN and cool before serving. Serve with dollop of whipped cream and preferred topping. (At Thanksgiving, we sprinkle nutmeg on the custard; at Christmas we use festive rainbow sprinkles as a topping.)

Note: Suzanne sends this story and advice ~ "One time years ago when Mother's beloved grandson was a young boy, he found a lump in the custard and innocently told her. Ever after that, the custard was strained no less than 3 times before being served ~ she was determined Grandson would never be disappointed by finding a lump again, and he wasn't! So, strain that custard at least 3 times!"

~ from Suzanne Matheny,
Director of Alumni Relations,
Carson-Newman College

Boiled Custard #2

1 cup sugar
1 qt. milk
1 Tbsp. corn starch
3 eggs
For seasoning ~ vanilla, nutmeg, or your favorite "seasoning"

Place in blender, the sugar, milk, corn starch and eggs. Blend well and place in heavy saucepan.
Cook over medium heat, stirring often, if not constantly, until mixture coats the spoon.
If any lumps are seen, run through a strainer.
Cool, refrigerate and season.
(I usually make at least three quarts at a time, but this recipe is essentially for one quart.)

~ from Marian Mason Bibb

Clam Dip
(double for a crowd)

7 1/2 oz. can minced clams, drain, reserve liquid
1/4 cup juice from clams
8 oz. cream cheese
1/4 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. chopped onion (optional)
6 drops Tabasco
6 drops Worcestershire
2 dashes garlic salt

Mix all together in blender. Great with Fritos.

~ from Henry Harding

Cornbread Dressing

for the cornbread ~

1/2 cup shortening
1 cup self-rising flour
1 cup self-rising cornmeal
1 Tbsp. sugar
1 egg
1 - 1/4 cups buttermilk

Plus, for the bread mixture, I start saving leftover bread, biscuits, crackers, buns, etc. I put in zip-lock freezer bag and freeze until I have close to a gallon bag full. If any cornbread is left over, I save that, but I always make a big skillet of cornbread using the recipe here.

to mix with breads ~

1 cup, about, onions, chopped
1 cup, about, celery, chopped
4 cups water
1 stick margarine
1 package Stovetop Stuffing, including season packet
2 eggs
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 Tbsp. poultry seasoning
salt and black pepper to taste
chicken broth

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Put shortening in skillet and heat until almost smoking.
Add to the cornbread mixture (above).
Return all to skillet. Place in the pre-heated oven and bake until set and browned on top, about 15 to 20 minutes.
Put cornbread and the leftover bread in very large mixing bowl and break into small pieces.

Put onions, and celery in saucepan with the water and margarine. Boil, then simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes. Pour over the bread crumbs. Add the Stovetop Stuffing, eggs, soup and seasonings. Mix well.
Add enough chicken broth that mixture is plenty wet, but not soupy.
Pour dressing mixture into oven-proof dish that has been sprayed with Pam.
Bake until set and browned on top.

Note: Marian says she always makes enough to freeze one casserole dish for later.

~ from Marian Mason Bibb

Hot Spiced Tea

8 cups water
1-1/2 cups sugar
1/2 tsp. each of ground cinnamon, allspice and cloves*
*wrapped in a cloth, tightly tied
3 tea bags
juice of 2-1/2 lemons, or 3 if desired **
juice of 2-1/2 oranges, or 3 if desired **
** strain the juices (no pulp)

Combine sugar with water, and heat to boiling point. Steep tea bags and spices (which have been wrapped in a cloth) for about 5 minutes. Add the strained juices. Drink!

~ from Suzanne Matheny,
Director of Alumni Relations,
Carson-Newman College

Instant Cocoa Mix

1 - 8 qt. size Carnation powdered milk
6 oz. jar Coffee Mate
1 lb. powdered sugar
2 lb. box Nestle's Quik

Mix powdered milk, Coffee Mate, powdered sugar and Quik together thoroughly. Store
tightly covered.
Use 3 heaping teaspoons in a cup of hot water.
Note: I use as many low-fat ingredients as I can find.

~ from Margaret Hodge Belcher

Microwave Bread and Butter Pickles

2 cups cucumber slices
1/2 cup sugar
1 medium onion
1/4 tsp. celery seed
1/2 green pepper
1/4 tsp. tumeric (for color)
1 tsp. salt (optional)
1/2 tsp. mustard seed
1/2 cup vinegar

Mix all ingredients. Cook in microwave 6 1/2 to 7 minutes. Refrigerate. Serve now or keep refrigerated. It comes out perfect every time.

~ from Jackie Browning Huff

Tex Mex Dip

Layer in this order:

2 (10 oz.) cans bean dip

Mix together ~
3 medium avocados, chopped fine
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. black pepper
Spread on top of bean dip.

Mix together ~
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 pkg. taco seasoning
Spread on top of the avocado mixture.

Then layer each of the following on top:
1 bunch finely chopped green onions with tops
3 medium tomatoes, chopped finely
2 (3 1/2 oz.) cans pitted sliced black olives

Cover with 8 oz. of grated sharp cheddar cheese.

Serve at room temperature, or chilled, with tortilla chips.

~ from Helen Wilkie Hagan


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