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Romantic Valentine
(Playing ~ "You Stepped Out of a Dream")


"After the Prom"
~ Norman Rockwell


Last Night

Last night I kissed your loving lips and held you close to me,
And all the world was like a dream that touched eternity.

I never knew that life could be so wonderful and sweet,
Or how much joy my heart could hold until it skipped a beat.

Last night the silver stars became a crown around your head
While magic moonlight made a song of every word you said.

I whispered that I wanted you in sunshine and in rain
Because if you were always mine no day would be in vain.

Last night I kissed your loving lips, and all at once I knew
That life was sweet and wonderful, and I belonged to you.

~ by James Metcalfe, "Portraits"


I want to hold you in my arms as long as moments are.
I want to kiss your loving lips and touch your lucky star.
I want to keep you close to me in every drop of rain
And every gentle snowflake on your friendly window pane.

To walk with you in Springtime and to never leave your side
From Summer into Autumn and throughout the Winter-tide.
In sunlight and in shadow and in every smile and tear
From dawn to dusk, from week to month and all of every year.

I want to gaze into your eyes and look into your heart
And hear you promise faithfully that we will never part.

~ by James Metcalfe, "Portraits"

("Portraits" appeared daily in our newspaper when I was very young.)

Though nothing can bring back the hour
of splendor in the grass,
Glory in the flower,
We will grieve not;
Rather, find strength in what remains in time.

~ Wordsworth
from "Ode On Intimations of Immortality"

Little Gems
~author/authors unknown

Never put off your loving
Because you feel too shy
For that gentle word may never be heard
If you let the chance slip by.

Love, as any delicate thing, must be nurtured
and protected in order to grow.

Love is a pearl.
It grows out of pain and time.

Hearts are hearthstones
Where women keep the live fire burning.

... love ... not for a week or a month or a year, but
until this mortal shall have put on immortality; for
if souls are immortal ... love is eternal.

... a little band of gold to be put on that finger which,
it is said, sends the channels of its blood
directly to the heart.


Somewhere there waiteth in this world of ours
For one lone soul another lonely soul ~
Each choosing each through all the weary hours,
And meeting strangely at one sudden goal;
Then blend they ~ like green leaves with golden flowers,
Into one beautiful and perfect whole ~
And life's long night is ended, and the way
Lies open onward to eternal day.

~ Sir Edwin Arnold

According to legend, the Valentine takes its name from a young Christian who once lived
in ancient Rome. Like so many of the early Christians, Valentine had been imprisoned because
of his faith. Often and longingly he thought of his loved ones and wanted to assure them of
his well-being and of his love for them. Beyond his cell window, just within reach, grew a cluster
of violets. He picked some of the heart-shaped leaves and pierced them with the words,
"Remember your Valentine," and sent them off by a friendly dove. On the following days
he sent more messages that simply said, "I love you."

Thus did the Valentine have its beginning.
And so it has remained throughout the ages.

~ from Guideposts Magazine


(I have read several stories/legends about the beginning of Valentine's Day.
It's "pick and choose," and I chose this one.)



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