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The Mun

So, you've decided you want to RP with me? All righty, then! Then let's lay down the ground rules:

  1. I was born in the year 1982, so I am of legal age. I will Role play with minors, but not intimately.
  2. Complete sentances are a must unless it is a simple action, such as hugging, purring, growling, etc. I am not a grammar or punctuation cop, but I would like to understand what you are trying to say.
  3. Just because I do not write a novel just to describe my character scractching her head doesn't mean you can't, but don't force me to. Just because I am an unpublished author, that doesn't mean I feel like wasting time with the style. I like to get to the good stuff, the Role Playing!
  4. I don't do that turn based stuff. The point of Role Playing, to me, is to imitate life in a creative way, and life isn't turned based.
  5. I do use dice commands. I like dice. Dice are my friends. That does not mean I won't play free form style, though.
  6. Should you decide you would like to Role Play free form style with me, then take some hits. No one can block or avoid every attack, not even you so-called, self proclaimed "gods" out there.
  7. I don't know everything in the world, and neither do you. Period.
  8. "Clicking" just because I don't agree with you is immature.
  9. Taking command of my character is grounds for "clicking" you.
  10. No warnings. Should it come to the point where I feel the need to "click" you or report you, I will say so only once and the deed will be done.
  11. Crossing IC and OOC is a big, huge, unforgivable NO-NO! I have become frinds with players IC and well as OOC, but should I make a comment OOC and it be taken IC, then don't expect to role play with me very much longer. This also includes suddenly knowing my chacater's name simply because I use it as my screen name. Also, you'd better have a hell of a creative reason how you know something about my character that isn't flat out obvious.
  12. I am human, I make typos, get over it.
  13. I do not accept Forced Collars, Rapes, Assassination Attempts, or anything like that unless I have given permission first. Turst me, I'm not that scary to talk to.
  14. I will not join your guild unless you can prove to me the other people in the guild are mostly decent Role Players.
  15. Having a profile (either AOL, Web, or even both) is strongly reccomended.
  16. Do NOT call me a "newbie." I have been role playing online and off line for many years. Just because I don't take the time to memorize the slang of the month doesn't mean I am new. It just means that I haven't heard it before.
  17. No one is forcing you to role play with me. If you don't like how my character is, then don't pay attention to me or the character!
  18. I was raised around truckers so my language can be colorful. If you don't like it, either let me know IC, OOC, or take a look at the previous number.

Feeling really bored? Read my journal.