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This is where I explain my philosophy on religion and life.  If you are offended by views that may not fall in line with your own then nows a good time to hit the back button. These are my personal theories on religion of which I have no proof or solid foundation but my own personal experiences and knowledge, no more or less than any other person can claim.

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I am not a Christian, I am not a Budhist, I am not a Hindu, I am not a Wiccan, I am not a Jew.  What does that leave?  I believe in me, I believe in my family, I believe in science, I believe in God.

To understand who I am, thus who God is which creates my family we must look at science.  All things are made up of energy.  Everything created has a basic chemical structure that makes it what it is.  As each of us is created, energy is combined thus giving us life. When each of us dies, energy leaves our bodies through decomposition and is returned back to the earth.
Thus you ask, if this is so, then there is no God? No purpose in life other than to exist? This is what some scientists would have you believe.  But I do not agree.  I believe God is all existance, God was nothing and the amount of energy it took to be nothing created something, all things.
God is part of each one of us, the earth, the stars, everything. He speaks to us in the wind, a babies cry, a mothers tear.
God is all knowing, all things. All good and thus all evil.  But in the concept of being all things, good and evil must coexist in order to exist at all.  So do not fool yourselves into believing that God is all good and knows no evil.  That is not possible or conceivable in a rational thought.
So what is the purpose of life? To experience, to feel, to love and to hate.  To know joy and pain, to know beauty and vile. And to learn, to learn all we need to learn to reach our highest potential in this life and beyond.
What happens to us when we die? We create our own fate by creating our own reality. We point the direction of our energy by our thoughts and actions which in turn creates the reality we know as life. Each of us is free to choose his own thoughts and feelings and in doing so we create what we know to be the reality we call our lives.  Society has dictated to us the reality that our ancestors choose, but it is up to us to choose the reality we live.  Most choose to live in the same reality that they have learned from society, I do not.  I choose to exist in society, and thus my reality my cooperate with the rules and expectations of society, but society does not create my life, I do.   And thus I create my own death, when I die I will become part of God, and in doing so I become part of earth, sky, all people, all things.  My energy will again reunite with from whence it came.  I will be with my husband, my children, my ancestors, and my descendants.  I will be part of them, as they will be part of me.
In reflection on my last thoughts, this leaves us to the conclusion that other religions are not wrong, only different.  People who believe that Jesus is their savior will go to heaven.  People who believe in reincarnation, will be reincarnated.  People choose their own realities, thus, choosing their own fates. How sad for those that believe they will no longer exist after they die, their energy will be distributed elsewhere, energy never dies, it will only no longer exist as them.
So as I live each day, I live it to the fullest.  I learn as much as I can learn and experience as much as I can experience.  I take nothing for granted, for tomorrow it may be taken away.  And I am grateful for all I am, have and know. And I am grateful for the people in my life, for I have no control over them or their lives.  I only pray they will be with me until the time comes to return to my maker.

I'd like to point out at this time that my views on religion change daily and that I really have no clue what happens to us after we die and wont firmly believe in any one theory or idea until I have solid evidence. DNA on my plate so to speak. And feel free to inform me of any new and exciting scientific evidence that may prove or disprove my theories by emailing me.

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