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Hello, yes you guessed it I am Cheyelle !!!!
I will tell you a little bit about me so you don't get to bored and run the other way.
I am 38 yrs old, disabled, Mother of 2 boys Andrew 18 and Gregory 10, which you will be seeing pages on them in this site.
I use to model, until I was in a bad semi-wreck and now I can't stand or sit for very long it is hard on me.

Plus I suffer from depression, panic disorder,post traumatic stress disorder, Fibramyagala, I use to due drugs and drink very heavily, started when I was 8 yrs old. (yes 8 yrs old) I didn't care about anything let alone anyone and hurt alot of people during that time.

But I came back to the place where I caused the problems and faced everyone head on. Some forgave me some haven't. I am proud to say I am 15 yrs clean now with no help from N.A. OR A.A. I do recommend going thou, I am one of the very few to have done it this way and survived. Please if you are gonna get off of anything seek help. I didn't and almost lost my life.

So much for keeping this brief huh? lol. I just want you to understand drugs and drinking take you no where in life.!!!! I have been in very abusive relationships, Thank God I have survived.!!!!

So much to tell you about that subject, but I will put a link to a site up for this, If you have any questions please e-mail me. ok the good stuff :o)

I love the color purple, I collect Angels, and porclien dolls, I love the outdoors and Music, I am a hopeless romantic.Ok I think thats enough for now. Hope you are not to bored.

Thanks for sharing a part of my life.

This Globe was made just for me and is very special, please do not take her. Thank you

Thank you Lady J for I truely am a survivor

Here are a few pics of me!!!

Here I am at my computer

Here is a pic of my semi-wreck In Sheridan Lake, Colorado, I was in a coma, and spent 4 months in the hospital. Had to learn how to walk and talk all over again, now you see why I don't model anymore.

Me Just before I went to a chat party!!!

Gregory, Me, and my truck, this was taken when we first moved to Tennessee almost 6 yrs ago.

Me !!!!!

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