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We now have reached,"The Beginning Of The End,"
since terror has hit our shores.
The sleeping giant has been startled awake,
to the truth that it ignores.

Thousands of lives were lost this week,
at the hand of Satan's slaves.
The Trade Center fell, of attacks from Hell,
We've all felt those shocking waves.

While others are writing condolence poems,
and the Nation sings Patriotic hymns.
"The Beginning of the End," has started today,
in a world where the light is dim.

In the past we've turned away from God,
letting the Godless take control.
Bringing the judgment of God upon us all,
and this very Nation's soul.

This Nation enjoyed the blessings of God,
finding peace with his protective hand.
But his protective hand has now been removed,
from this Christian founded land.

We have turned our backs on Israel,
while supporting their Arab foes.
We've removed our God, from our courts and schools,
thus bringing down these woes.

We murder millions of innocent children each year,
and call it abortion, to ease our minds.
Then we wonder why this terror occurs,
with all the sin Jehovah finds.

These are only but a few of the sins,
that has had our nation bound.
The Devil lurks down each and every street,
while the Lord can not be found.

If the United States don't turn to God,
the worst is yet to come.
This Nation will suffer, like never before,
that will leave our Country numb.

The judgment of God, has reached our shores,
and the end has just begun.
And the only way, to escape the fray,
is to trust in Christ, His Son.

If we keep listening to those liberal minds,
and trust in these Godless men.
We'll surrender our sovereignty, given by God,
and will suffer for all of our sin.

So we can be a patriot until the end,
which I think is truly great.
But if we don't turn back to our God,
all efforts will be too late.

We must turn to God to heal our land,
and our sin we must amend.
The time is close, the time is near,
It's "The Beginning Of The End."

©~Timothy Jon Barrett
~ Written September 12, 2001

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