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Today the world is grieving
No victory displayed
Cowards filled with hatred
Your evil souls enslaved

You took away God's children
No matter race or creed
Violated freedom
Such evil in this deed

You showed a nation horror
With innocents you chose
The cowards of the evil ones
With hatred ~ no values

You never will destroy us
You only made us strong
Only showed with evil
What is right and wrong

In a world of freedom
That has the very best
Nations born with dignity
Each one of them our guest

No matter what religion
Color faith or creed
We all are all united
From evil that you breed

You may kill our loved ones
Without a single thought
You can't destroy our nation
For freedom we have fought

America is strong now
With dignity and pride
Mountains hills and oceans
Our eagle flies worldwide.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
Šused with permission







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<bgsound src="WindBeneath.wav" loop="infinite">