* Anyone can apply male, female
* Must be involved in some aspect of the vampiric life, whether sang, psi or lifestyler/lover or part of our Otherkin community [no roleplayers please]
* Must be an active member of the forums
* Must have a photo of yourself that can be used and no porn please
* Website is not neccessary but won't hurt and must be vampiric in nature or an online journal will also suffice
* If under 18 must have parent(s) or guardian(s) permission
* By participating it is acknowledged that you have given permission for use of photo and content

*please remember that this isn't a competition or an 'I'm better than you' thing it's just for fun so don't feel bad or disapointed if your not up there this month*

How to Apply:
*To see exactly what kind of thing we are looking for, please click here
* Answer the questions in the box below, (simply continue underneath)
* With that done click on select all, right click your mouse and copy
* Paste into a newly composed mail - subject matter: Member of the Month submission not forgetting your Nick, age and the url for website, journal and photograph as applicable.
* Don't worry if you don't make it on the first attempt and feel free to keep trying, you may yet turn up ;)

Submissions to webmistress_darkrealms@yahoo.com

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