i don't know where i wanna start these... ahhh! well here goes...
*MiChAeL* WOW, you've done too much for me and i can't start to thank you enough... you are incredible. thanx for ALWAYS being there when i need you and sacraficing so much for me when we both know i don't deserve it... i don't even deserve a person like you. through ups and downs you've been by my side and you're one of the few people i can depend one. well you know i could go on and on about you but i'm going to save it... you know how i feel :) thank you baybee... "...you're one in a million..." I LOVE YOU!
*ArThUr* hey ugly ass monster! :) it's been what... 7 years? i can't believe i hated you back then... but you know, i get to be the boss cuz i'm the older one... haha! well you know i luv ya to death... thanx for staying up and talking with me... the sunrise... hehehe!!! ALMOST! we still have time right?! hey... how many more months now?? i can't wait!!! *muah* (mine's bigger!)
*LiZ* AHHHH!!! SPRING BREAK 2002!! YEAH BABY! girl, i don't even know where to begin with you!! i can't believe we've known each other our whole lives.. and we don't let the distance change the fact that we're best friends! it's always going to be like this! VIETNAM was THE BEST!! remember, we're going back before we get married, right?? haha! you're awesome and i luv you to death! SPRING BREAK'S coming!!! *clunk* (had to add that in there!)
*LaWrEnCe* so now you're in college and too good to talk to me huh?! we've known each other for quite a while but didn't really get a chance to get to know each other until just a few years ago... it's been my pleasure. you're such a sweet guy and i know we haven't gotten the chance to talk at all lately but that's definitely gotta change... hey! me and pris are planning to come see you... you're only like 2 and a half hours away so far... something like that! don't be too much of a pimp... you know you look good, hahah!
*CeL* Hey dork!! =) i don't really know what to say about you! i'm just REALLY glad we become so close recently. you are an AWESOME person and thank you SO much for being there for me. i'll remember to call you up whenever i want to practice my vietnamese... HAHA!! well we gotta go to the Summit together some time.. we talk about it but it never happens... hehe! i have to get off my fat @$$ anyways! well baybee... just wanted to give you a little shout out to let you know how much i appreciate our friendship... i luv you so much!! *muah*
*PaMmIe T.* i luv you! can you believe we've known each other since 4th grade? our friendship has come a LONG way since... we've had some down times but there's definitely been more positives! you are such a sweet girl... thanx for talking to me and giving me advice when i needed it the most. yeah viet dance... haha!!
*DoN* hey buddy! remember when we first met WAY back between my 9th and 10th grade summer?? our friendship has grown SOO much since then... i mean, i still remember when we were playing frisbee at keith's grad party... haha!! well hunnie... you're great and thank you for your support through everything =)
*KaReN* Hi Mike's butterfly... hehe!! it's been SOOO much fun getting to know you the last year and we've become pretty close! i luv you like a little sister. you're a complete sweetheart and such an awesome person! don't ever change!
*MaRtY* where the hell is my crab?? it's probably starving cuz it has to be out of breadsticks by now... GEEZ! hehe! are you sure you called UPS cuz i want that floridian crab... =) ANYWAYS... thank you SOOO much for taking me out on your bike... that was fun! we gotta get together more... tell me more about your theories on fixations and love... hehe!! well baby, you've always been there for me... thank you SOOO much... i want my dom time!!! =)
*MeLvIn* DORK! whats up hunnie? we've known each other since freshman year and it's been AWESOME!! i always know that you'll give me your honest opinion on anything and thank you for that. you are an incredible friend... you know i'm here when you need ANYTHING... hang in there sweetheart...
PRISCILLA hey my french speaking friend... hahaha! that was such a fun night! anyways... there aren't enough words to tell you how much i luv you!! we've come a LONG way... remember playing dentist? and crying every time we had to leave each others' houses? those were the days... now we're almost off to college... scary... well we gotta find a place to start building our "duong" neighborhood and we'll be all set.. hehe! GET YOUR LICENSE and come see me!!!!!!
MINDY hey my fellow B squared.. hehe.. we can't help it, it's just how our body is... hahaha! well i really wish we could see each other more :( I MISS YOU... and you had to go move farther away from me... delaware... GEEZ! well you know i still luv you... I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE IN COLLEGE.. *sniffle sniffle* good luck girl, you know i'm behind you all the way
CHRISTINA DREAMSTREET and O-TOWN!! yeah baby! hehehe! girl, i luv you! i miss you! you HAVE to come visit me more often! and keep updating me on the boy band stuff, aiite?! and oh, don't leave out the updates on who your latest crush is too :)
*JeNnI LyNn* GIRL! it's been a LONG year and a half that we haven't really been close... our friendship has gone through so many ups and downs but i love you just as much as i did when we were best friends. i miss you! and we DEFINITELY have to get together sometime soon.
*ShAhEiN* i knew there was a lot that i would want to say to you on here... but all i really want to let you know is that i miss you... i miss our friendship SO much but hey... time changes a lot of things and i guess we can't go back and live in the past again. i still luv you though... you know i've got your back, don't ever doubt that. thanx for everything... you know your SexiO 1 is always here...