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Ben's Fishing Page

I like fishing because it is my favourite sport.  I'm in Year 5 now, in Mrs Aitkenhead's class.  That makes me a Kookaburra!  I know a lot about fishing, and this where I'm going to show you all the great fish I catch. 

My Mum and Dad bought us a digital camera a little while ago, so now I can take all the photos I want to and put them on this webpage.   I can't wait!

About Barramundi

Barramundi live in clear water and also streams or rivers.

They find their food under boulders or rocky or sandy ground. Their favourite food is popeyed jumping mullet. The big ones are good for big barra. The small ones are used for catfish.

Where the salt water meets the clear water Barramundi swim up streams or rivers with the current. When fishing you have to make sure the lure dives to three or four or five metres. Barra over eighty deep are usually females. It is important to release large fish.

Sewy grunter are usually called black brim.

Barra live where the current is coming down. They like the hot water outlet. The current forces the fish to come in to the holes in the coral. Barra live close to snags or boulders or rocky shores.

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