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G.O.D(Groove Over Dose)

Denji Page
TaeWoo Page
HoYoung Page
KyeSang Page
JoonHyung Page

Hello and welcome to my Groove Over Dose(G.O.D) page. G.O.D is my favorite male group in gasoo.('gasoo' is a Korean word for singer) They have been around for a long while and haven't been very popular in the past before their second album. They have their third album out currently. The song "Guht Jeet Mal" was the best song in gasoo for the 2000. It outranked many other great songs. This song boosted their popularity greatly.

From G.O.D's song, their most popular songs would be "Friday Night", "To Mother", "I Love You and Remember You", "Ae Soo", "Guht Jeet Mal", "One Candle", and "I Need You". They have had many great songs over their time. G.O.D was doing a show a little while ago. It ended a few weeks ago. It was about them baby sitting a young child named Jae Min and watched him for only two years. On the finally episode, they buried a time capsule for Jae Min near a beach. Containing some of Jae Min's old toys, books, and G.O.D's albums.

This picture above is one of my most recent ones I have. The top left is TaeWoo, top right is DenJi(Danny), bottom left GyeSang(KyeSang), middle Joon(Joon Hyung), and bottom right is HoYoung. To learn more about them, go to their individual pages and to find out what they have been doing, go to my articles page.
