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The Good Neighbor Day 2001 Music Festival & Most Triumphant Videos Home Page

Welcome to
Good Neighbor Day
Most Triumphant Videos

"The One Team That Will Never Let You Down This March"

Here's a clip of the questionable WTC building 7 collapse
with the Larry Silverstein PBS interview (34 sec)

click play to watch
double-click the video to enlarge it

info on last year's gnd2001 what's goin on for next year's gnd2002
local shows & bands & places to find out more about them
please sign the guestbook!!!! poll action!
arts!. . .links to various gnd-related friends My Songs pictures of gnd01
newspaper articles!

01.31.06 I finally filmed the second of two Signs of Vitality shows last Friday, and I compiled a music video for their song 'Crawling Away'. It is posted on most triumphant videos Page 11 - Signs of Vitality.

01.19.06 A new music video, 'Azrael Should Have. . .' by Burning Love Letters has been posted on most triumphant videos Page 10 - Burning Love Letters.

12.27.05 I split up all of the multi-song music videos for the 745 Boyz (Page 4 and Page 5) and Jitney (Page 3) into single songs. I thought it would be easier to view them. Also, if you are having trouble getting any of the videos to load, make sure you have downloaded the newest version of Windows Media Player.

12.20.05 The music video for Rob Miller 'Vacation' has just been posted on most triumphant videos Page 9 - Rob Miller

11.14.05 Tommy Hobbs aka Cocky, of the 745 Boyz, and I filmed a music video for his song 'Live My Life' last week. The streaming version can be seen on the most triumphant videos Page 8 - Cocky, of the 745 Boyz page.

11.02.05 I just posted the second Chaindrive video for the song 'Poser'. Check it out at most triumphant videos Page 6 - Chaindrive

10.31.05 I updated the arts page and the local bands and shows page to hold the links for Most Triumphant Videos Demo Pages 1-6 and some of my favorite local band and music websites. Email me if you would like to be included on the list.

08.28.05 It's been two years since my last update. I'm surprised this site is still linked to the official site. I'm going to try to upload a music video here soon. If you've just stumbled here for the first time, my name is Adam, and I helped organize a concert in 2001 that we called Good Neighbor Day. We had a rootbeer keg. I've organized a couple of shows since then, and I hope to keep it going. . . and this site is a good place for me to show you my work. I think that's it. peace.

All of the music videos can be found on these pages:
most triumphant videos Page 11 - Signs of Vitality
most triumphant videos Page 10 - Burning Love Letters
most triumphant videos Page 9 - Rob Miller
most triumphant videos Page 8 - Cocky, of the 745 Boyz
most triumphant videos Page 7 - 745 Boyz
most triumphant videos Page 6 - Chaindrive
most triumphant videos Page 5 - 9.25.05 745 Boyz live show 2
most triumphant videos Page 4 - 9.25.05 745 Boyz live show 1
most triumphant videos Page 3 - Jitney
most triumphant videos Page 2 - 745 Boyz

Other places you may find interesting:
Peoria Shows Page
my myspace
my music myspace
my film myspace
The Square Tracks - my mp3 co-blog

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special thanks to mr. ryan rudd for the one-liners at the top of this page